3 linear feet
This series contains newspaper articles collected by project staff on a variety of topics in particular New York City and Chicago. The clippings document the environment in which FLO worked as a landscape architect. This series is arranged alphabetically by subject or newspaper title.
Box 1
- 1877 Rail Strike (6 folders)
- Alderman (Specifically Mayoral Relations)
- The American Architect and Building News, 1876-1880 (4 folders)
- Architectural Style(s) (Floral, etc.)
- Blacks - (living conditions, freedom, etc.)
- Boston
- Brooklyn Parks
- Buffalo, New York 1875-1902 and undated
- Building Trade (especially court-house commissioners)
- Calendar of New York City Newspapers
- Central Park (4 folders)
- Charities and Correction
- Charity and the Poor
- Chicago
- Chicago Newspapers (2 folders)
- Cincinnati Newspapers
- The City Record, 1873-1882 (6 folders)
- Civil War
- Civil Service
- Connecticut Newspapers
- Detroit
- Detroit Newspapers (2 folders)
- Education
- Emigration Commission
- England, Englishmen and Parks
- Fences
- Fire Department and use of Fire arms
- Forestry and Parks (Conservationism, etc.)
- Garden and Forest (2 folders)
- The Gardens, Saturday Review, and Gardeners Monthly
- Immigration
Box 2
- The Irish American
- Judicial System
- Kansas City, Missouri
- Labor
- Legislature (City, State, and Nation)
- Lodging Houses, Cheap
- Louisville - Newspaper Notes
- Minneapolis
- Miscellaneous
- Montreal Daily and Evening Star, 1874-1878 (2 folders)
- Montreal Herald and Daily Commercial Gazette, 1874-1878 (3 folders)
- The Nation (2 folders)
- New York City Government and Politics (2 folders)
- New York Parks Assorted (Not including Central Park)
- New York City Planning
- New York Evening Express
- New York Park Commission, 1881-1882
- New York Times
- New York Times, 1870-1875 (2 folders)
- Politics (General)
- Police (Brutality, Corruption, and Administration) (3 folders)
- Public Works Department
- Railroads and Transportation
- Religion/“morality”
- Real Estate
- Riverside and Morningside Parks
- Rochester (2 folders)
- Sidewalks and Street Widening; Streets in General
- Street Cleaning and Sanitary Commission
- Sunday Mercury (2 folders)
- The Tammany Society
- United States Capitol
- Washington, D.C.