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Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, to Speak at American University’s School of International Service

A Conversation with the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada. Prime Minister Trudeau will provide a short address and engage in a dialogue with American University students. The conversation at AU is part of Prime Minister Trudeau’s inaugural visit to Washington which will include a State Dinner with U.S. President Barack Obama.  

10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Friday, March 11, 2016

Atrium, School of International Service, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, D.C., 20016 (SIS building is located at the intersection of Nebraska and New Mexico Aves., NW) Directions: Parking will be available in church lot across from SIS building.

Media interested in attending must RSVP with AU Media:, 202-885-5950. Media must be checked-in and seated prior to 10 a.m. No entry after 10 a.m. will be permitted.

Justin Trudeau is Canada's 23rd Prime Minister. On October 19, 2015, Mr. Trudeau led the country’s Liberal Party to victory, winning a majority government with seats in every province and territory across the country. He was elected on a platform for change and growing the middle class. Mr. Trudeau was sworn in on November 4, 2015, with an equal number of men and women in Cabinet - a first in Canada's history.


This event will be livestreamed. The livestream can be accessed the day of the event here: