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American University Experts Offer Insight Into SCOTUS Ruling on DACA


Today, the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled that the Trump administration cannot dismantle the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which has allowed nearly 700,000 young "Dreamers" remain in the country. American University experts are available to comment on the ruling and its implications.


June 18, 2020 – ongoing


Phone, online, Zoom or FaceTime.


AU experts who are available to comment include:

Ernesto Castañeda is assistant professor of sociology and author of A Place to Call Home: Immigrant Exclusion and Urban Belonging in New York, Paris, and Barcelona. His policy briefs on border and immigration issues can be found here. Castañeda has shared his thoughts on DACA as a frequent media commentator. He can conduct interviews in Spanish and English.

Amy Dacey, executive director of the Sine Institute of Policy & Politics at American University, can comment on the impact of the DACA ruling on the 2020 election, among other topics. For more than two decades, Dacey managed prominent national organizations, advised leading elected officials and candidates, including President Barack Obama and Senator John Kerry, and counseled a variety of nonprofits and companies. During the 2016 presidential election, she served as the Chief Executive Officer of the Democratic National Committee. In 1998, Dacey managed Rep. Louise Slaughter’s congressional campaign. From 2010 to 2013, she served as Executive Director of EMILY’s List. In addition, she served in various leadership positions for several other organizations, including the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Fund for America, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Eric Hershberg is the Director of the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies at American University. He is available to discuss the evolution of immigration policy that has led to the current situation in the U.S. and issues affecting Latino communities in the U.S. He is also an expert on comparative politics of Latin America, and on the political economy of development in the region. He can conduct interviews in Spanish and English.

Jayesh Rathod serves as director of American University Washington College of Law’s Immigrant Justice Clinic and as Associate Dean for Experiential Education. His areas of expertise and scholarly interests include immigration law, labor and employment discrimination law, and clinical legal education. Rathod has worked on cutting-edge cases and projects relating to immigration detention, removal defense (including criminal-immigration intersections), humanitarian relief, immigrant workers’ rights, language access, and more. He has been invited to speak on immigration and workplace law topics at institutions across the U.S., and has served as a commentator in local, national, and international media including CNN, NBC News, and National Public Radio). He is fluent in Spanish and proficient in Portuguese.

Prof. Tazreena Sajjad is an expert in migration studies, gender and conflict, and transitional justice. She can comment on issues related to immigration policies in the U.S. and Europe, including the phenomenon of wall-building, immigrant and refugee reception in the U.S. and countries of the Global South, and women's experiences in war and peace. Her current research projects focus on the phenomenon of building walls in response to irregular migration in Europe and other regions of the world. Prof. Sajjad is an advisor to Refugee Solidarity Network.

Anita Sinha is director of American University Washington College of Law’s International Human Rights Law Clinic. Her research and scholarship address human rights issues related to forced migration and detention, and the intersection of immigration and constitutional law. Sinha joined AUWCL in 2012 after more than 10 years of litigation and advocacy experience on behalf of indigent communities. She began her career as a Skadden Fellow with the Northwest Immigrant Justice Project, and in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina led civil rights litigation and human rights advocacy on behalf of displaced New Orleans residents. As a clinical teacher, she has supervised students on U.S. immigration cases, as well as transnational and international projects. Sinha has been cited in several major news outlets, including The New York Times and Associated Press, and is a Huffington Post contributor.