Julia Martins Adjunct Instructor Literature
- Degrees
- PhD Candidate, University of Michigan, Comparative Literature + Digital Studies
MA University of Toronto, Comparative Literature
BA American University Honors College, Literature - Favorite Spot on Campus
- wvau studio
- Book Currently Reading
- Banal Nightmare, by Halle Butler
- Bio
- Júlia Irion Martins researches contemporary women's (auto)fiction, the collapse of irony/sincerity and feminism/postfeminism online, histories of cyberutopia, media theory, and affect theory. In addition to working on the internet, Martins also works on and translates Brazilian fiction. She is currently editing a special issue of Absinthe: World Literature in Translation on contemporary Brazilian literature.
- For the Media
- To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.
Fall 2024
LIT-250 Lit, Film & Globalization
Spring 2025
LIT-146 Critical Appr to Cinema