Daniel Whitman
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Brown University, 1979 M.A., Boston University, 1976 M.A., Brown University, 1974 B.A., Oberlin College, 1968
Since 2009,Whitman has taught Foreign Policy, Cross Cultural Communication, College Inquiry, and Oral History at American University (SPExS and SIS.) His background in Public Diplomacy led to his work as Foreign Service Officer in the U.S. Department of State,1985-2009.
His books include "A Haiti Chronicle: The Undoing of a Latent Democracy," 2004, and "Outsmarting Apartheid," SUNY 2013. He has published articles on African contemporary literature and oral tradition, notably in his book Kaidara, 1987. His travel articles have appeared in publications including the New York Times and International Herald Tribune.
Whitman taught French at Thayer Academy in Braintree, Massachusetts, and was Program Officer at Delphi Research Associates in Washington, DC. He served as a Fulbright lecturer at Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo. In his career in the Foreign Service, he worked in Denmark, Spain, Guinea-Conakry, South Sudan, Equatorial Guinea. In Washington he served in the Bureaus of African Affairs, Human Resources, European Affairs, and Population, Refugees, and Migration. He speaks French, Spanish, and Danish.