Malea Otranto
Part Time Staff
New Student Programs
Major in Law and Society; Double Minor in Sociology and Political Science
Favorite Spot on Campus
Second Floor of the Library on weekdays, The Dav on weekends.
Malea Otranto is a recent graduate from American University, where she majored in Law and Society. Malea specializes in human rights advocacy and human trafficking prevention. She spent the 2012-2013 academic year studying abroad on two different continents in order to focus on human rights and human trafficking on an international level. For the fall semester of her junior year, Malea was accepted into a Humanitarian Law & Armed Conflict program in Copenhagen, Denmark. She was granted the opportunity to spend two weeks in Kosovo, where she met various governmental organizations such as EULEX, the OSCE and KWN in order to discuss pragmatic solutions for Kosovo’s current human trafficking epidemic. She was then enrolled in a Genocide-Prevention international law program at the University of Cape Town. While in South Africa, Malea created, organized and then ran a four-month Youth Advocacy program. While abroad, she also worked at a non-profit, Children of South Africa. Malea was extremely active amongst the American University community. During her time at AU, Malea was on American's Mock Trial team and a Teaching Assistant for the Washington Mentorship Program. She was also American University’s Class of 2014 President.