Clark Crook-Castan
Adjunct Professorial Lecturer
School of International Service
Ph.D., El Colegio de México; B.A., Vanderbilt University
Dr. Crook-Castan is a retired U.S. Diplomat who served as Alternate Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States; Economic Development Advisor to the National Summit Coordinator; Negotiator for Free Trade Area of the Americas; Coordinator for Corporate Social Responsibility, Trade Capacity Building, Telecoms, Transportation and Sustainable Development. Dr. Crook-Castan served on the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development Management Board and as U.S. Representative to the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture. He was State Department Representative on the National Emergency Management Team (NEMT) Continuity of Operations (COOP/COG); Coordinator of Inter-American Disaster Relief and Mitigation programs; Coordinator Inter-American Transportation, Maritime & Aviation/Airport & Port Security Training Programs. He was U.S. Consul in Monterrey, Mexico; NAFTA Negotiator for Transportation, Telecoms, Foreign Investment and Privatization, in Mexico City; U.S. Representative to the Standing Committee on Emergency Management of the International Energy Agency; and U.S. Representative to the World Tourism Organization in Madrid. He has instructed at the Foreign Service Institute and the Inter-American Defense College, as well as the Universidad de Monterrey and the University of the Americas in Mexico City.