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Photograph of Karol Chwedczuk Szulc

Karol Chwedczuk Szulc Faculty Fellow in Residence School of International Service

Additional Positions at AU
Fulbright-Schuman Scholar
PhD in political sciences, MA in sociology

Assistant Professor, the University of Wrocław, Poland, Fulbright-Schuman Scholar at the AU 2019. Holds PhD in political sciences and MA in sociology and international relations, assistant professor at the University of Wrocław, teaches at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw, Poland. Currently his research focus is primarily on EU-US comparative studies. He was a research fellow at the American University in Washington DC in 2015/2016. His latest publications treat on the potential of social constructivism in forecasting, EU-US comparative studies and future of European Union. Fan of NBA since early childhood.
For the Media
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