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Mwangi Njagi Adjunct Professorial Lect School of International Service

For the Media
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Spring 2024

  • ENVS-306 Environmental Conservation

  • ENVS-324 Environmental Health

  • HLTH-330 Community Public Health

  • HLTH-340 Fundamentals of Epidemiology

  • HLTH-441 Health Communication

  • HLTH-485 Contemporary Topics in Health: Dynamics of Tropical Diseases

  • SISA-219 Topics in Int'l Studies: Immersion in Swahili Culture

  • SISA-388 Hist, Lang, Culture in Kenya

Summer 2024

  • SABD-415 Summer Study Abroad: Nairobi Undergrad Sumr Intern

  • SABD-615 Summer Study Abroad: Nairobi Graduate Summer Intern

  • STAT-320 Biostatistics

Fall 2024

  • ENVS-324 Environmental Health

  • HLTH-340 Fundamentals of Epidemiology

  • SISA-388 Hist, Lang, Culture in Kenya

  • SISA-388 Hist, Lang, Culture in Kenya