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Sarah Snyder Professor Global Inquiry

Additional Positions at AU
Affiliate Professor of History
PhD, Georgetown University;
MA, SSEES, University College London;
BA, Brown University

Sarah B. Snyder is a historian who specializes in the influence of nonstate actors such as human rights activists and overseas Americans on U.S. foreign relations. She is the author of From Selma to Moscow: How Human Rights Activists Transformed U.S. Foreign Policy (Columbia University Press, 2018), which explains how transnational connections and 1960s-era social movements inspired Americans to advocate for a new approach to human rights. The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations awarded it the 2019 Robert H. Ferrell Prize for distinguished scholarship in the history of American foreign relations.

Her first book, Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network, (Cambridge University Press), analyzes the development of a transnational network devoted to human rights advocacy and its contributions to the end of the Cold War. The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations awarded it the 2012 Stuart Bernath Book Prize for best first book by an author and the 2012 Myrna F. Bernath Book Award for the best book written by a woman in the field in the previous two years.

Her new book on the influence of overseas Americans on U.S. foreign relations is supported by a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities and under contract with Princeton University Press.

She is the Executive Editor, with Darren Dochuk, of the journal Modern American History. She is also the founding editor, with Jay Sexton, of Columbia University Press' new book series, Global America. She is a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations and has been named a distinguished lecturer by the Organization of American Historians.

She is also the co-editor of The CSCE and the End of the Cold War: Diplomacy, Societies and Human Rights, 1972-1990 (with Nicolas Badalassi; Berghahn Books, 2018).

In addition to authoring several chapters in edited collections, she has also published articles in Diplomatic History, Cold War History, Human Rights Quarterly, International History Review, The Historical Journal, Diplomacy & Statecraft, Journal of Transatlantic Studies, European Journal of Human Rights and Journal of American Studies.

She previously served as a Lecturer at University College London, a Cassius Marcellus Clay Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of History at Yale University, the Pierre Keller Post -Doctoral Fellow in Transatlantic Relations at the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies also at Yale, and as a professorial lecturer at Georgetown University.

Snyder received her Ph.D. from Georgetown, a M.A. from University College London, and a B.A. with honors from Brown University.
See Also
Professor Snyder's website
For the Media
To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.

Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities

Honors, Awards, and Fellowships

National Endowment for the Humanities Faculty Fellowship, 2024-2025

Organization of American Historians Distinguished Lecturer

Council on Foreign Relations, Member

Robert H. Ferrell Prize, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, 2019

SIS Outstanding Scholarship, Research, Creative Activity & Other Professional Contributions, 2019

Stuart L. Bernath Book Prize, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, 2012

Myrna F. Bernath Book Award, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, 2012

Middleton Fellowship, Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation

Cassius Marcellus Clay Post Doctoral Fellowship, Department of History, Yale University

Pierre Keller Post Doctoral Fellowship in Transatlantic Relations, Yale University

Selected Publications

Chapters in Edited Collections

“Brother’s Brother Foundation in Costa Rica: A Case Study in Public-Private Partnerships and Global Health in the American Century,” in Public Health and the American State eds. Gaetano Di Tommaso, Dario Fazzi, Giles Scott-Smith, (Edinburgh University Press, 2024).

“The Trump Administration’s Insidious Approach to Human Rights,” in The Liberal Order Strikes Back?: Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and the Future of International Politics, ed. Robert Jervis, Diane Labrosse, Stacie Goddard, and Joshua Rovner (Columbia University Press, 2023).

“Compartmentalizing U.S. Foreign Policy: Human Rights in the Reagan Years,” in The Reagan Moment: America and the World in the 1980s, ed. Jonathan Hunt and Simon Miles, (Cornell University Press, 2021).

“Playing on the Same Team: What International and Sport Historians Can Learn From Each Other,” in Soccer Diplomacy: International Relations and Football since 1914, ed. Heather L. Dichter, (University of Kentucky Press, 2020).

● Volume short listed for North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) 2021 Anthology Book Prize.

● Volume long listed for The Telegraph Sports Book Awards – 2021 Football Book of the Year.

“‘The Situation in Greece’: Human Rights Activism in the Wake of the 1967 Coup,” in The Greek Dictatorship and the International System: A Case Study of Southern European Military Juntas, ed. Constantine Arvanitopoulos, Evanthis Hatzivassiliou, Antonis Klapsis, Effie G. H. Pedaliu, (Routledge, 2020).

“The Changing History of the End of the Cold War,” in A Companion to U.S. Foreign Policy, Colonial Era to the Present, ed. Christopher Dietrich, (Wiley-Blackwell, 2020).

“U.S. Human Rights Policy since 1948,” in The Routledge History of Human Rights, ed. Jean Quataert and Lora Wildenthal, (Routledge, 2019).

“Human Rights in U.S. Foreign Policy,” in Oxford Reference Encyclopedia (ORE) in American History ed. Mark Lawrence, (Oxford University Press, 2016).

“‘No Crowing’: Reagan, Trust, and Human Rights,”in “Trust, but Verify”: The Politics of Uncertainty and the Transformation of the Cold War Order, 1969-1971, ed. Reinhild Kreis, Martin Klimke, and Christian Ostermann, (Stanford University Press, 2016).

“The Rise of Human Rights During the Johnson Years,” in Beyond the Cold War: Lyndon Johnson and the New Global Challenges of the 1960s, ed. Francis J. Gavin and Mark Atwood Lawrence, (Oxford University Press, 2014).

“Principles Overwhelming Tanks: Human Rights and the End of the Cold War,” in The Human Rights Revolution: An International History, ed. Akira Iriye, Petra Goedde, and William Hitchcock, (Oxford University Press, 2011).

“The Defeat of Ernest Lefever's Nomination: Keeping Human Rights on the United States Foreign Policy Agenda,” in Challenging US Foreign Policy: America and the World in the Long Twentieth Century, ed. Bevan Sewell and Scott Lucas, (Palgrave, 2011).

“‘Promising Everything Under the Sun’: Helsinki Activism and Human Rights in Eastern Europe,” in The ‘Establishment’ Responds: Power and Protest During and After the Cold War, ed. Kathrin Fahlenbrach, Martin Klimke and Joachim Scharloth, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012).

“The Rise of the Helsinki Network: ‘A Sort of Lifeline’ for Eastern Europe,” in Perforating the Iron Curtain: European Détente, Transatlantic Relations, and the Cold War, 1965-1985, ed. Odd Arne Westad and Poul Villaume, (Museum Tusculanum Press, 2009).

“The U.S., Western Europe, and the CSCE, 1972−1975,” in The Strained Alliance: U.S.-European Relations from Nixon to Carter, ed. Matthias Schulz and Thomas A. Schwartz, (Cambridge University Press, 2009).

Selected Publications


From Selma to Moscow: How Human Rights Activists Transformed U.S. Foreign Policy (Columbia University Press, 2018).

Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network (Cambridge University Press, 2011).

The CSCE and the End of the Cold War: Diplomacy, Societies and Human Rights, 1972-1990 (co-editor with Nicolas Badalassi; Berghahn Books, 2018).

Journal Articles

“Guns of Peace and an Early Campaign Against Smallpox,” The Historical Journal 65:2 (March 2022): 462-481.

“Human Rights Rhetoric and Policy in the Kennedy Administration,” International History Review, 43:3 (2021): 638-656.

“‘Ending Our Support for the Dictators’: Ed Koch, Uruguay, and Human Rights,” Cold War History 21:1 (January 2021): 19-36.  Reprinted in La Diaria as “Cómo se terminó el apoyo económico de Estados Unidos a la dictadura uruguaya,” September 5, 2020.

“The 1968 International Year for Human Rights: A Missed Opportunity in the United States” Diplomatic History 42: 5 (November 2018): 831–858.

“Americans’ Human Rights Activism in the Long 1960s,” European Journal of Human Rights 2 (2016) 221-33.

“Beyond Containment?: The First Bush Administration’s Sceptical Approach to the CSCE,” Cold War History 13:4 (November 2013): 463-484.

“‘A Call for U.S. Leadership’: Congressional Activism on Human Rights,” Diplomatic History 37:2 (April 2013): 372-397.

“Bringing the Transnational In: Writing Human Rights into the International History of the Cold War,” Diplomacy and Statecraft 24:1 (March 2013): 100-116.

“Exporting Amnesty International to the United States: Transatlantic Human Rights Activism in the 1960s,” Human Rights Quarterly 34:3 (August 2012): 779-799.  (Law journals, such as Human Rights Quarterly, are not peer-reviewed.)

“The Foundation for Vienna: A Reassessment of the CSCE in the mid-1980s,” Cold War History 10:4 (November 2010): 493-512.

“Through the Looking Glass: The Helsinki Final Act and the 1976 Election for President,” Diplomacy and Statecraft 21:1 (March 2010): 87-106.

“The CSCE and the Atlantic Alliance: Forging a New Consensus in Madrid,” Journal of Transatlantic Studies 8:1 (March 2010): 56-68.

“‘Jerry, Don’t Go’: Domestic Opposition to the 1975 Helsinki Final Act,” Journal of American Studies 44:1 (February 2010): 67-81.

AU Experts

Area of Expertise

History of U.S. foreign relations, human rights and U.S. human rights policy, the Cold War

Additional Information

Sarah B. Snyder, professor at the School of International Service, is a historian of U.S. foreign relations who specializes in the history of the Cold War, human rights activism, and U.S. human rights policy. She is the author of From Selma to Moscow: How Human Rights Activists Transformed U.S. Foreign Policy (Columbia University Press), which explains how transnational connections and 1960s-era social movements inspired Americans to advocate for a new approach to human rights, with a special focus on Southern Rhodesia, the Soviet Union, Greece, South Korea, and Chile. Her first book, Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network (Cambridge University Press), analyzes the development of a transnational network devoted to human rights advocacy and its contributions to the end of the Cold War. The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations awarded it the 2012 Stuart Bernath Book Prize for the best first book by an author and the 2012 Myrna F. Bernath Book Award for the best book written by a woman in the field in the previous two years. For her second book, Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network, Prof. Snyder received the 2019 Robert H. Ferrell Prize for distinguished scholarship in the history of American foreign relations. Prof. Snyder is a Distinguished Lecturer at the Organization of American Historians and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. In addition to authoring several chapters in edited collections, she has also published articles in Diplomatic History, Cold War History, Human Rights Quarterly, Diplomacy & Statecraft, Journal of Transatlantic Studies, European Journal of Human Rights, The Historical Journal, International History Review, and Journal of American Studies. Prof. Snyder’s commentary and analysis appeared in The Washington Post, Wisconsin Public Radio, Sirius XM, among other media outlets. Prof. Snyder previously served as a Lecturer at University College London, a Cassius Marcellus Clay Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of History at Yale University, the Pierre Keller Post -Doctoral Fellow in Transatlantic Relations at the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies also at Yale, and as a professorial lecturer at Georgetown University.

For the Media

To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.

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