Session I Schedule
Tuesday, June 21
12 p.m. - 4 p.m. - Students fly into DCA or train into Union Station
1 p.m. - 4 p.m. - Students living on campus check in and tour AU's campus, photo scavenger hunt and games on the quad
6 p.m. - Ice breakers, Pizza Welcome Dinner, Orientation to AU
Welcome to American University! Students living on campus arrive today. Those in need of a ride from Reagan National Airport or Union Station should arrive between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. After arrival, check into Letts Hall. Then tour the campus and participate in our pizza welcome dinner.
Wednesday, June 22
8:30 a.m. - Welcome Reception in McKinley for morning classes
12:30 p.m. - Welcome opening in McKinley for afternoon classes
Walk to the the National Cathedral - Do you know who is buried in the Cathedral?
Students and parents are welcome to join us for the welcome reception on the first day of classes to meet their professors and teaching assistants.
Thursday, June 23
Meals will be served in the Terrace Dining Room (TDR).
Monuments at sunset metro to Farragut North Lafayette Park. Photo opportunities the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, the MLK Memorial, the Washington Monument, and all of DC's can't-miss monuments!
Friday, June 24
4:30 On campus activies kickball/tennis/volleyball
Saturday, June 25
Arlington National Cemetary and the Changing of the Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, John F. Kennedy Gravesite, Memorial Ampitheater
Eagle Bucks lunch
Sunday, June 26
We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo...how about You, You You? Smithsonian National Zological Park and see the pandas and other favorite exhibits.
or Smithsonian Museums
EagleBucks Dinner.
B/L TDR Eagle Bucks dinner
Monday, June 27
Fabulous 4 Hour Film Festival. Draw a genre, object and line of dialogue to make your short film on campus.
or rain date for Monuments at sunset 5 -9:30 pm
Tuesday, June 28
Cruise along the Potomac River and enjoy the waterside view of famous D.C. landmarks, Depart AU 5:30 set sail at 7pm.
Wednesday, June 29
Eagle Bucks dinner
Swiming Pool and Activies on campus!
Thursday, June 30
Play kickball and show off your skills at our very own Talent Show
Friday, July 1
9 - 11:30 a.m. Presentations & Screenings
12 p.m. Session 1 students check out and depart
Students staying for 4 weeks: have lunch at TDR and an EagleBucks Dinner.
Concert in the park.
Saturday, July 2
4 Wk Students Only
Take a trip to the National Building Museum. Explore the exhibits and enjoy a concert from 2-3 PM
Paddle boat around the Tidal Basin and see the Jefferson Memorial from the water.
Sunday, July 3
4 wk students only
Cupcake Tour! Explore DC to figure out the best place for sweet treats. Lunch on location--bring money
or board games, play games on campus July 4th festivities!
Session II Schedule
Monday, July 4
4 wk students only
July 4 Festivities!
Games on Campus late morning
3 pm Eagle Bucks Picnic Dinner. 4th of July in Washington, D.C. Enjoy the Smithsonian Museums, the Folklife Festival and Fireworks from the Washington Monument.
Tuesday, July 5
12-4 pm Students fly into DCA or train into Union Station.
1-4 pm Students living on campus check in and tour AU’s campus,
photo scavenger hunt and games on the quad.
6 pm Icebreakers, Pizza Welcome Dinner, orientation to AU
Board games, play games on campus
Wednesday, July 6
8:30 am Welcome Opening in MGC for morning classes
12:30 pm Welcome Opening in MGC for afternoon classes
Enjoy dinner in Tenleytown with the PAs and walk to National Cathedral. Do you know the difference between a gargoyle and a grotesque?
Thursday, July 7
Monuments at Sunsent metro to Farragut North Lafayette Park. Photo opportunities the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monunment and all of DC's can't miss monuments.
or for 4 week students another activity TBD by group with teach assistants
Friday, July 8
Felix the Chewy Pet Star and Christina his trainer will be joining us in McKinley 201! Learn all about the ins and outs of dog acting. Do you and your pet have the right “bite” to make it in the dog eat dog world of pet acting? Commuter students and families welcome. 6:30-8:30 pm McKinley 201
Saturday, July 9
11 am Depart for the Smithsonian Museums! Air and Space, Natural History, American History and numerous other Smithsonian Museums! Lunch on location — bring $
Sunday, July 10
B TDR, Eagle Bucks Dinner
Early AM Smithsonian National Zoological Park See the pandas and other favorite exhibits.
or another option TBA
Monday, July 11
B/L TDR, Eagle Bucks Dinner
7:00-8:30 PM Speical Presentation TBA
Tuesday, July 12
Cruise along the Potomac River and enjoy the waterside view of famous D.C. landmarks. Depart AU 5:30 set sail at 7pm; or
Move Night- popcorn and treats. Choose your flick! Double feature happening in Letts South and North Lounges!
Wednesday, July 13
Work on final projects
Team Challenge Competition: Innovations in communication by the year 2042. What will the future in the field of communication, film, public relations and journalism look like by 2042? Get your team together to dream big and make your pitch.
Thursday, July 14
Eagle Bucks dinner
DWC’s very own talent show!
Friday, July 15
9-11:30 am Final Presentations and screenings. Family and friends welcome!
12-2 pm Checkout and departure