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Photograph of Marvin Ward

Marvin Ward Adjunct Instructor Department of Public Administration and Policy

BS, Carnegie Mellon University

MPP, American University

Marvin Ward Jr. is a Lecturer in the Department of Public Administration and Policy. Concurrent with these responsibilities, he is also the National Program Administrator for the Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship Program (PPIA Program), serves as the Assistant to the Director for American University’s Center for Public Finance Research (CPFR), and performs contracted analytical work for the World Bank. Both his teaching responsibilities and personal research are centered upon public administration and public finance. Prior to his work for American University, Marvin worked as an analyst for the EOP Group, a Washington-based lobbying/consulting firm specializing in regulatory frameworks. His specific areas of concentration were energy and climate change policy. He has also previously worked as a Manufacture Engineer for Capsugel, a subsidiary of Pfizer based out of Greenwood, South Carolina. Prior to his graduate work at American, he studied engineering and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University.
See Also
PPIA Program
For the Media
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