Shreya Upadhyay
Visiting Scholar in Residence
Department of Public Administration and Policy
Shreya Upadhyay is a research scholar at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. She is currently associated with American University, Washington DC as a Fulbright –Nehru Doctoral Research Fellow for the year 2015-2016. Her topic of research is ‘US Stake Holders Responses to Environmental Disasters: A Case Study of Deep Water Offshore Horizon Drill 2010’. Shreya did her MPhil in 'Post Presidential Activism in American Diplomacy: A Study of Jimmy Carter'. She did her Masters in Political Science from JNU and bachelors in Journalism (Hons.) from Delhi University.
Shreya has worked as a researcher with the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies. She also worked as a journalist with the United News of India, and lobbied with a national level organization of women's groups and individuals, WomenPowerConnect. Apart from that, she has taken classes for US History and Politics and Indian history for undergraduate students at Ansal University, India. Her research interests involve public policy, foreign policy, good governance, human rights, and caste and gender concerns. She can be reached at