Application Process Begins for New Scholarship Honoring Merrilee Milstein, SPA/MSOD ’06
The School of Public Affairs announces the establishment of the Merrilee Milstein Scholarship Fund, an endowed scholarship program in SPA’s AU/NTL program. The Milstein Scholarship Fund will provide an annual scholarship award to an M.S. in Organization Development (MSOD) graduate student dedicated to a career in the labor movement.
Milstein, who died in 2008, was a community activist and labor organizer in New England. She worked to address labor concerns for workers with District 1199 of the New England Health Care Employees, served as Deputy Director for the Northeast Region of the AFL-CIO, and also served as Deputy Secretary of State for Connecticut. After graduating from the AU/NTL-National Labor College M.S. in Organization Development (MSOD) in 2006, she became an organizational consultant dedicated to tackling critical challenges in the labor movement.
Milstein’s colleagues, friends, and family including her brother Elliott Milstein, the former Dean and current professor at AU’s Washington College of Law, joined together to endow the fund in September of 2009. The Scholarship will support a student who continues the work that Merrilee Milstein began.
Student applications for the inaugural Milstein Scholarship are due by June 1st, 2010. To apply, AU/NTL students must submit a current resume and 300 word essay describing their background and interests in pursuing an OD-based career in the labor movement. To be eligible, applicants must be enrolled in the AU/NTL program during the 2010-2011 academic year.
The scholarship award for the 2010-2011 academic year will be $5,000. Completed applications should be directed to Dan Mackeben, Director of Development, 202-885-3968,