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AU Mock Trial Enjoys Winningest Weekend Yet

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AU Mock Trial
The AU Mock Trial team took home the first-place trophy at the Columbia University CUBAIT Invitational.

American University Mock Trial had its most successful weekend to date on October 20-21. Two teams competing (in two different tournaments) brought home first- and fifth-place finishes.

AU Mock Trial won the Columbia University CUBAIT Invitational, considered one of the most prestigious mock trial tournaments on the East Coast. AUMT, a first-time team at this competitive arena, took home the first place team trophy defeating 21 other teams including Duke, Tufts, and Harvard. AUMT President Eric Fleddermann also took home a top attorney award.

“I have coached this team for almost five years and have never been more proud of them,” said team coach JLS Prof. Jessica Waters. “They put in incredible amounts of work, and this weekend it paid off in spades. They are smart, driven and committed – and also just an incredibly nice group of students.”

The team has grown into a "powerhouse," Waters added. Members devote about 15-20 hours a week to practice and on weekends travel to competitions.

AUMT also competed in the Penn State Happy Valley Invitational where it took home the fifth place team trophy defeating 23 other teams. This accomplishment was especially impressive given this team was overwhelmingly comprised of new members. Two new AUMT members – Eliana Peck and Sharon Turret – also earned top witness awards.

Mock Trial is an opportunity for students to hone skills in presentation, critical thinking, and collaboration through a simulated courtroom experience. American University Mock Trial competes against other college teams within the American Mock Trial Association (AMTA). Each academic year, AMTA releases one criminal or civil case packet to every college team in the country. The case packet includes all the necessary materials to try the case in a simulated legal trial.

AUMT will host the Wonk Invitational on the AU campus November 10 and 11.