International Law Faculty: Recent Research & Scholarship
Susana SáCouto, Indira Rosenthal, Valerie Oostveld, Gender and International Criminal Law, OUP 2022
Gerard Comizio, Virtual Currency Law: The Emerging Legal and Regulatory Framework, Aspen Law Publishing (2022)
Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon, Guide on Multi-Sectoral Responses for the Protection of Migrants, Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic, Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law of AUWCL, and the Department of Social Inclusion of the Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equity of the Organization of American States (2022)
Björn Arp and Rodrigo Polanco (eds.), International Arbitration in Times of Economic Nationalism, Kluwer 2022
Claudio Grossman, The Invasion of Ukraine: A Gross Violation of International Law, 25 Human Rights Brief 74 (2022)
Claudio Grossman, Remedies for Gross Breaches of International Law, with Particular Attention to Transatlantic Chattel Slavery, The American Society of International Law (2022)
Claudio Grossman, Epidemics and International Law: The Need for International Regulation, 29 Miami L. Rev. 206 (2022)
Claudio Grossman, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACommHR), Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Law (2022)
Diane Orentlicher, Victim Participation and Public Messaging: Contemporary Lessons of the Eichmann Trial, 31 Minn. J. Int'l L. 35 (2022)
Fernanda G. Nicola and Antonio Caiola, Defending Democracy through Law: The Creation of the Legal Service of the European Parliament, 46 Fordham International Law journal (2022)
Anita Sinha, A Lineage of Family Separation, 87 Brook. L. Rev. 445 (2022)
Anita Sinha, Transnational Migration Deterrence, Boston College Law Review, Vol. 63 (2022)
Daniela Kraiem and Jamie Abrams, Women and the Law, Thomson Reuters (2022)
David V. Snyder, Contracting for Process, 84 Duke Journal of Law & Contemporary Problems (2022)
Book Chapters
Janie Chuang, Preventing Human Trafficking: The Role of the IOM and the UN Global Compact on Migration, in: Fighting Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. History and Contemporary Policy, CUP (2022)
Claudio Grossman, The Obligation to Negotiate under International Law and Chile’s Strategy, in Case-Law and the Development of International Law (2022)
Fernanda G. Nicola and Günter Frankenberg, Critical Approaches to Comparative Law, Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (2022)
Fernanda G. Nicola and Ann Shalleck, The Familial Subject, THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO GENDER & LAW (R. MARIN-RUBIO AND S. HENNETTE-VAUCHEZ, eds., 2022)
Fernanda G. Nicola and Chris Kimura, EU-Asian Free Trade Agreements: The Negotiating Capital of Trade Experts (in LAW, LEGAL EXPERTISE, AND EU POLICY-MAKING, PÄIVI LEINO-SANDBERG EMILIA KORKEA-AHO, eds.; CUP 2022)
Media Articles
Fernanda G. Nicola and Günter Frankenberg, The Logic of Patriarchy, Verfassungsblog (2022)
Diane Orenlicher, How States Can Prosecute Russia’s Aggression without or without Universal Jurisdiction, Just Security (2022)
Diane Orenlicher, The Case for a Putin War Crimes Trial, NBC News Think (2022)
Gerard Comizio, Crytpocurrency: Ukraine Crisis Shows Urgency For Federal Reform, Bloomberg Law (2022)
Rebecca Hamilton, The Crime of Aggression: Putting Lukashenko and His Senior Officials on Notice, Just Security (2022)
Claudio Grossman, Reparations to Individuals for Violations of International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law, UN Audiovisual Library of International Law (2021)
Claudio Grossman, Pandemics and International Law: The Need for International Action, 24 Hum. Rts. Brief 130 (2021)
Claudio Grossman, Morning Keynote: A Conversation with the 2020 Goler T. Butcher Medal Honoree, Professor Claudio Grossman, 114 American Society of International Law. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting 193 (2021)
Claudio Grossman, Pandemics and International Law: The Need for Action, 36 Am. U. Int’l L. Rev. 971 (2021)
Claudio Grossman, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACommHR), Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Law (2021)
Claudio Grossman and K Catherine, Disappearances, Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law (December 2021)
Diane Orentlicher, Ensuring Access to Accurate Information and Combatting Misinformation about Pandemics, 36 Am. U. Int’l L.R. 1067 (2021)
Diane Orentlicher, The Emerging Shape of Global Justice: Retrogression or Course Correction?, 35 Md. J. Int’l L. 61 (2021)
Padideh Ala’I and Clemence D Kim, The WTO and Pandemics, American University International Law Review: Vol. 36 : Iss. 5 , Article 7 (2021)
Gerard Comizio, The Cyber Threat Looming Over Virtual Conference, American Banker, (2021)
Fernanda G. Nicola and Gino Scaccia, The Italian Model to Fight COVID-19: Regional Coordination, Regulatory Inflation and the Cost of One-Size-Fits All Lockdown Measures, 73:1 Administrative Law Review (2021)
Fernanda G. Nicola, Legal Diplomacy in an Age of Authoritarianism, 27:3 Columbia Journal of European Law (2021)
Fernanda G. Nicola and Gino Scaccia, It’s All About the Pasta: Protectionism, Liberalization, and the Challenge for Quality and Sustainability of Made in Italy, 14 FIU L. Rev. 479 Jowell Review (2021)
Fernanda G. Nicola & Chiara Grazzini, Expert Opinion or Deadly game? The Shifting Supreme Court Jurisprudence on COVID-19, Percorsi Costituzinali, (2021)
Media Articles
Fernanda G. Nicola, Scandal involving World Bank’s ‘Doing Business’ index exposes problems in using sports like rankings to guide development goals, The Conversation. (2021)
Fernanda G. Nicola, Essential EU legal History Research for EU lawyers, EU Legal History of EU Law Live's Weekend Edition (2021)
Fernanda G. Nicola Against Authoritarianism: Can the Court of Justice of the EU rescue democracy in Europe?, IACL Blog (2021
Fernanda G. Nicola and Günter Frankenberg , Trump seep power as Private property – A habit shared by autocrats throughout the ages, The Conversation (2021)
Book Chapters
Padideh Ala'i et al., "Limits of Transparency: China, the United States and the World Trade Organization", in Berger/Fengler/Owetschkin/Sittmann, eds., Cultures of Transparency: Between Promise and Peril (London: Routledge, 2021)
Sean Flynn et al., "International and Cross-Border Copyright" & "Technological Protection Measures" in Building Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining, Univ. of California, Berkley Press (2021)
Christine Haight Farley, The Lost Unfair Competition Law, 110 Trademark Rep. (forthcoming 2020)
Susan Franck, The Past, Present, and Future of Investment Treaty Conflict Management and Dispute Systems Design (U. ST. THOMAS L.J. 2020)
Susan Franck, The Diversity Deficit in International Investment Arbitration, 21 J. WORLD INVEST. & TRADE 410 (2020) (with Andrea K. Bjorklund, et al.).
Claudio Grossman, Section: Concluding Remarks, Chapter: “The Changing Landscape of International Law,” Book: Seventy Years of the International Law Commission: Drawing a Balance for the Future 333 (2020)
Claudio Grossman, ILC Report on Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Humanity and Enforced Disappearance, 6 Afr. J. Int’l Crim. Just. 227 (2020)
Rebecca J. Hamilton, Social Media Platforms in International Criminal Investigations, 52 Case W. Res. J. Int'l L. 213 (2020)
Rebecca J. Hamilton, Africa, the Court, and the Council, in ELGAR COMPANION TO THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (deGuzman & Oosterveld, eds.)(2020)
Rebecca J. Hamilton, Technology Companies in International Criminal Investigations, CASE WESTERN RESERVE J. INT’L L. ( 2020)
David Hunter, Contextual Accountability, the World Bank Inspection Panel, and the Transformation of International Law in Edith Brown Weiss’s Kaleidoscopic World, 32 GEO. ENVTL L. REV. 439 (2020)
David Hunter, SDLP after 20: Sustainable Development in the Anthropocene, SUST. DEV. L & POL’Y, V. XX, NO. 2, at 4-10 (2020)
David Hunter, Amicus Brief on behalf of International Organizations and Lawyers in Support of Plaintiffs-Appellees Petition for Rehearing en banc, Juliana v. United States, No. 6:15-cv-01517-AA (2020)
Fernanda G. Nicola, Legal Diplomacy in an Age of Authoritarianism, Columbia Journal of European Law (2020)
Fernanda G. Nicola and Oreste Pollicino The Balkanization of Data Privacy Regulation, West Virginia Law Review (2020)
Fernanda G. Nicola and Gino Scaccia, It's All about the Pasta: Nationalism, Protectionism, Liberalization and the Challenge for Quality; Made in Italy Symposium Florida International Law Review (2020)
Diane Orentlicher, Worth the Effort? Assessing the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, 18 J. Int’l Crim. Just (2020)
Diane Orentlicher, Memories of Judgement: Constructing the ICTY’s Legacies, 19 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 313 (2020)
Susana SáCouto and Claudia Martin, Access to Justice for Victims of Conflict-related Sexual Violence: Lessons Learned from the Sepur Zarco Case, 18 J. of Int’l Crim. Justice 243-270 (2020)
Susana SáCouto, Leila Sadat and Patricia Viseur Sellers, Collective Criminality and Sexual Violence: Fixing a Failed Approach, 33 Leiden J. of Int’l Law 207-241 (2020) (with Leila Sadat and Patricia Sellers)
Macarena Saez, Brief as Amicus Curiae in support of Plaintiffs in case regarding criminalization of homelessness, Constitutional Court of Colombia (2020)
Macarena Saez, Brief as Amicus Curiae in support of plaintiffs in case of birth registry of a child with two mothers before a constitutional court in Lima, Peru, co-authored with Maria Julia Dellasoppa (2020)
Paul Williams, Lawyering Peace: Infusing Accountability into the Peace Negotiations Process" (Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, June 2020)
Paul Williams and Jessica Levy, Documentation for Accountability, Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law (2020)
Rebecca J. Hamilton, New Media Evidence Across International Courts and Tribunals, in BEYOND FRAGMENTATION: COMPETITION AND COLLABORATION AMONG INTERNATIONAL COURTS AND TRIBUNALS (Giorgetti & Pollack, eds.)(forthcoming 2020)
Diane Orentlicher, The Tokyo Tribunal’s Legal Origins and Contributions to International Jurisprudence as Illustrated by Its Treatment of Sexual Violence, in Viviane E. Dittrich et al., The Tokyo Tribunal: Perspectives on Law, History and Memory (Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, 2020)
Paul Williams, Research Handbook on Post-Conflict State Building (Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming August 2020)
Paul Williams, The Syrian Conflict’s Impact on International Law (with Michael Scharf and Milena Sterio, Cambridge University Press, March 2020)
Book Chapters
Christine Haight Farley, Public Policy Limitations on Trademark Subject Matter: A U.S. Perspective, in Cambridge Handbook on International and Comparative Trademark Law (Irene Calboli & Jane Ginsburg, eds., Cambridge University Press forthcoming 2020)
Christine Haight Farley, Intellectual Property and Morality, in Approaches and Methodologies in Intellectual Property Research (Irene Calboli & Lilla’ Montagnani, eds., Oxford University Press forthcoming 2020)
Susan Franck, The Promise and Peril of Empiricism and International Investment Law Disputes, in CAMBRIDGE COMPENDIUM OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL AND INVESTMENT ARBITRATION (Andrea Bjorklund, Franco Ferrari & Stefan Kröll eds. forthcoming 2020)
Susan Franck, The Fundamentals of Arbitration in OXFORD RESEARCH ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE (forthcoming 2020)
Susan Franck, Foreword to Legal Reasoning Across Commercial Disputes: Comparing Judicial and Arbitral Analyses by S.I. Strong (Oxford University Press 2020) (forthcoming 2020)
Horacio Grigera Naón, Book chapter titled, “UNIDROIT Principles as Proper Law” in National, International, Transnational: Harmonischer Dreiklang Im Recht
Horacio Grigera Naón, Book chapter titled, “Private international law and arbitration: arbitral determination of the law or rules of law governing the merits.” In Private International Law: Contemporary Challenges and Continuing Relevance. Edited by Franco Ferrari & Diego Fernandez Arroyo. Elgar Publishing.
Jeffrey Miller and Fernanda G. Nicola, The Failure to Grapple with Racial Capitalism in European Constitutional Imaginaries, in European Constitutional Imaginaries: Utopias, Ideologies and the Other by Jan Komárek (2020)
Fernanda G. Nicola and Ann Shalleck, The Familial Subject, The Cambridge Companion to Gender & Law ( R.Marin-Rubio and S. Hennette-Vauchez eds 2020)
Fernanda G. Nicola, Local, Resistances to Global Convergence, Framing Convergence with the Global Order: The EU and the World, Elaine Fahey Ed. (Hart Publishing, 2020)
Macarena Saez, Commentary on DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services in Feminist Judgments: Family Law Opinions Rewritten (Rachel Rebouché, ed., Cambridge University Press (2020)
Media Articles
Rebecca Hamilton, The Georgetown Student Who Became Justice Minister of Sudan, WASHINGTON POST MAGAZINE, Feb. 5, 2020.
Rebecca Hamilton, Myanmar’s Commission Report Delivers Genocide Denial Playbook, JUST SECURITY, Jan. 31, 2020.
Christine Haight Farley, Out of the Blue: The Federal Circuit Devises a New Rule for Color Marks, Patently-O Blog (Apr. 2020).
Christine Haight Farley, SCOTUS’s Second Take on Trademark Registration as Speech, Patently-O Blog (Jun. 2019).
Susan Franck, Observations on Costs: A Response and Implications for UNCITRAL and ISDS Reforms, EJILTALK! (May 1, 2019),
Claudio Grossman, “Chile: Need to Broaden Support for Public Policies,” AULA Blog post, American University Center for Latin American & Latino Studies – May 26, 2020
David Hunter, The World Bank steps back on Accountability, CPR BLOG (Sept. 18, 2019)
David Hunter, Natalie Bridgeman Fields & Kristen Genovese, Opinion: The case for public reforms to the World Bank's Inspection Panel, DEVEX (Dec. 13, 2019)
Christine Haight Farley, Confusing the Similarity of Trademark Law in Domain Name Disputes, 52 Akron L. Rev. 607 (2019).
David Snyder, The New Social Contracts in International Supply Chains, 68 Am. U. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2019).
Macarena Saez, In the Right Direction, Family Diversity in the Inter-American System of Human Rights, 54 North Carolina Journal of International Law, 317 (Fall 2019).
Paul Williams, Use of Force in Humanitarian Crises: Addressing the Limitations of U.N. Security Council Authorization. Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, Available here.
Fernanda Nicola, Tackling Inequality in the EU: The New Foundation for a Green and Social Europe, OpinioJuris (May, 2019) Available here.
Fernanda Nicola, Judicialization Of Foreign Relations: Legal Diplomacy For A Cold War Deja’vu , presented at EU Law Workshop at Sorbonne in Paris (April 4, 2019) Available here.
Susana SáCouto, The Bemba Appeals Chamber Judgment: Impunity for Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes? William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal, 27(3), 599-622 (March 2019).
Paul Williams, "Bougainville's Faustian Bargain" (with Carly Fabian, The Diplomat, November 2019)
Susan Franck, International Arbitration and Attorney-Client Privilege: A Conflicts of Law Approach, 51 ARIZ. ST. L.J. 935 (2019).
Claudio Grossman, Obligations to Negotiate and Consult: Worthwhile Tool or Exercise in Futility?, 113 Proceedings Am. Soc'y Intl L. 35 (2019).
Rebecca J. Hamilton, Atrocity Prevention in the New Media Landscape, 113 AJIL UNBOUND 262 (2019)
Rebecca J. Hamilton (with Molly K. Land), Beyond Takedown: Expanding the Toolkit for Responding to Online Hate, in PROPAGANDA AND INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW (Predrag Doj?inovi?, ed.)(2019).
David Hunter, Wenghui Ji & Jenna Ruddick, Global Climate Litigation and the Paris Agreement after the Trump Withdrawal, 34 U.MD. J. INT’L L. 102 (2019).
Susana SáCouto and Patricia Viseur Sellers, The Bemba Appeals Chamber Judgment: Impunity for Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes?, 27 Wm.& Mary Bill of Rts J. 599-622 (2019).
Susana SáCouto and Chante Lasco, Staying the Course: A Call for Sustained International Support of Domestic Prosecution of Conflict-Related Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Women in/at War (Mouthaan, S. and Jurasz, O., eds.) (Intersentia, 2019).
Books and Edited Volumes
Susan D. Franck, Arbitration Costs: Myths and Realities in Investment Treaty Arbitration. In Andrea Bjourlund, Franco Ferrari & Stephen Kroll, eds. International Arbitration- Between Myth and Reality. Oxford University Press (April 23, 2019) Available here.
David Hunter & Daniel Bradlow, EDS., The Choice Between Hard and Soft International Law in Social Change (Brill 2019).
- Claudio Grossman, El Fallo de la Corte Internacional de Justicia en el caso “Obligación de Negociar accesso al Océano Pacífico” (Bolivia v. Chile), 1 de octubre de 2018, author within publication: “La estrategia jurídica de Chile” and “Discursos del Agente Grossman ante la CIJ” (Gobierno de Chile: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Sept. 2019).
Book Chapters
Diane Orentlicher, Genesis: The Tokyo Tribunal’s Legal Origins and Contributions to International Jurisprudence as Illustrated by Its Treatment of Sexual Violence, in forthcoming publication of the Nuremberg Principles Academy (2019).
Rebecca J. Hamilton, New Media Evidence Across International Courts and Tribunals, in Beyond Fragmentation: Competition And Collaboration Among International Courts and Tribunals (Giorgetti & Pollack, eds.) (forthcoming 2019).
Fernanda Nicola, “Waiting for Barbarians: Inside the Archive of the European Court of Justice” in Claire Kilpatrick and Joanne Scott, eds. New Legal Approaches to studying the court of Justice. Oxford University Press (2019)
Christine Haight Farley, Public Policy Limitations on Trademark Subject Matter: A U.S. Perspective, CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK ON INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE TRADEMARK LAW (Irene Calboli & Jane Ginsburg, eds., Cambridge University Press 2019), Available here.
Susana SáCouto, "Staying the Course: A Call for Sustained International Support of Domestic Prosecution of Conflict-Related Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina." In Mouthan, S. and Jurasz. O. (Ed.), Gender and War: International and Transitional Justice Perspectives (2019).
Susan Franck, Variables Affecting Costs in Investment Arbitration: A Look at the Data (solicited contribution), 12 N.Y. DISPUTE RESOLUTION LAWYER 51 (2019).
Claudio Grossman, “Promoting Social change through Treaties and customary International Law: the Experience of the Inter-American Human Rights System,” in book – Advocating Social Change through International Law: Exploring the Choice Between Hard and Soft International Law, Editors Daniel D. Bradlow and David Hunter (Brill, 2019).
Fernanda Nicola, The ‘Italian Style’ in the Opinions of the Advocates General, Paper presented at the conference on "The Advocate General At The CJEU: The Linguistic Aspect" in Dublin, Ireland (January 14, 2019) Available here.
Juan Méndez, La Prisión Preventiva “Oficiosa” Y Las Obligaciones Internacionales De México, El Universal (February, 2019) Available here.
Paul Williams, Atrocities Documented, Accountability Needed: Finding Justice for the Rohingya through the ICC and Independent Mechanism, Harvard Human Rights Journal (February 25, 2019) Available here.
Padideh Ala'i, The Vital Role of the WTO Appellate Body in the Promotion of Rule of Law and International Cooperation: A Case Study, The Yale Journal of International Law Online 86, (2019) Available here.
- V. Gerard Comizio and Nathan S. Brownback, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, Finalized Volcker Rule Amendments (Aug. 10, 2019)
Claudio Grossman:
• International Law Commission, UN General Assembly Report (2019):
• Statement of the Chair of the Drafting Committee, General Principles of Law (2019)
• Statement of the Chair of the Drafting Committee, Succession of State in Respect of State Responsibility (2019)
• Statement of the Chair of the Drafting Committee, Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction (2019)
• Statement of the Chair of the Drafting Committee, Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflicts (2019)
• Statement of the Chair of the Drafting Committee, Peremptory Norms of General International Law (Jus Cogens) (2019)
• Statement of the Chair of the Drafting Committee, Crimes Against Humanity (2019)
• Comment on the 4th Report on General Principles of Law of the Special Rapporteur Marcelo Vasquez-Bermudez (2019)
• Comment on the 7th Report on Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction of the Special Rapporteur Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández (2019)
• Comment on the 3rd Report on Succession of States in Respect of State Responsibility of the Special Rapporteur Mr. Pavel Sturma (2019)
• Comment on the 2nd Report on the Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflicts of the Special Rapporteur Ms. Marja Lehto (2019)
• Comment on the 4th Report on Peremptory Norms of General International Law (Jus Cogens) by Special Rapporteur Mr. Dire Tladi (2019)
• Comment on the 4th Report on Crimes Against Humanity of Special Rapporteur of Special Rapporteur Professor Sean Murphy (2019)
• Syllabus: Reparation to Individuals for Gross Violations of International Human Rights and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law (2019)
• Working Group Long-Term Programme of Work, Syllabus: Reparation for Violations of International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law (2019)
Media Articles
- Rebecca Hamilton, The Enemies of Sudan’s Democracy are Lurking Everywhere, FOREIGN POLICY, Dec. 6, 2019.
- Rebecca Hamilton, Bringing the Rule of Law to Sudan, JUST SECURITY, Oct. 1, 2019.
- Rebecca Hamilton, Commission on Unalienable Rights, JUST SECURITY, June 5, 2019.
David Snyder, Human Rights Protections in International Supply Chains—Protecting Workers and Managing Company Risk, 73 Bus. Law. 1093 (2018) (with Susan A. Maslow) (Report and Model Contract Clauses from the Working Group to Draft Human Rights Protections in International Supply Contracts, ABA Business Law Section).
Rebecca J. Hamilton, Jesner v. Arab Bank (International Decisions), 112 (4) Am. J. Int’l L. 720 (2018).
Rebecca J. Hamilton (with Joost Pauwelyn), Exit from International Tribunals, J. Int’l Dispute Res., 679 (2018) (peer-reviewed).
Susan D. Franck, International Arbitration – Between Myth and Reality, 5 MCGILLJ. DISP. RESOL. 5 (2018).
Fernanda Nicola, Another view of the Cathedral: What does the rule of law crisis tell us about democratizing the EU? Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative law, 1-6 (2018).
Paul Williams, The Peace vs. Justice Puzzle And The Syrian Crisis, 24(2) ILSA J. of Int'l & C. L. (2018)
Jennifer Daskal, Microsoft Ireland, the CLOUD Act, and International Lawmaking 2.0, 71 STAN.L.REV ONLINE 9(2018).
Jennifer Daskal, Privacy and Security Across Borders, YALE L.J, FORUM 128(2018).
Jennifer Daskal, Yale Google, Inc v. Equustek Solutions, 112 AMER.J. OF INT’L L.727(2018).
Rebecca J. Hamilton, User-Generated Evidence, 57 Colum. J. Transnat’l L. 1, (2018).
Diane Orentlicher, Building Victim-Led Coalitions to Press for Justice Following Mass Atrocity, 112 ASIL Proc. 23 (2018).
Macarena Saez, The Regulation Of Abortion In Chile: The Failure Of The Separation Of Church And State, Religion and Gender (2018)
Jennifer Daskal, Borders and Bits, 71 VAND.L.REV.179(2018).
Jayesh Rathod, Equity in Contemporary Immigration Enforcement: Defining Contributions and Countering Criminalization, 66 Kansas Law Review 951 (2018).
Books and Edited Volumes
Macarena Saez, Christianity, Sexuality, Gender and the Law in Latin America, 8 (1) Religion & Gender (J.M. Morán Faúndes and M. Saez, Guest editors, Nov. 2018)
Diane Orentlicher, Some Kind of Justice: The ICTY's Impact in Bosnia and Serbia, Oxford University Press (April 2018)
Book Chapters
Jennifer Daskal, The Terrorist Crenemy, in CRIMINAL AND ENEMIES (Univ. of Mass. Press) (Sarat, Austin, ed.) (2018).
Rebecca J. Hamilton, New Technologies in International Criminal Investigations in Proceedings of the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law (2018).
Diane Orentlicher, Prologue, Commentary on the UN Set of Principles for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights through Action to Combat Impunity (Oxford University Press 2018).
Fernanda Nicola, Judicial Narratives at the CJEU, Paper presented at iCourts, Copenhagen University (November, 2018)
Fernanda Nicola, The Peculiar Reception of the GDPR in the U.S., Paper presented at the National Congress SIRD at the University of Florence, Italy (October 2018)
Expert Opinions
Claudia Martin, Women Victims of Sexual Torture in Atenco v. Mexico. Expert Opinion for the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (November, 2018) Available here.
David Snyder, Metamorphoses in the Law of Contract: Mythological Lectures.
Kenneth Anderson & Matthew C. Waxman, Debating Autonomous Weapon Systems, Their Ethics, and Their Regulation Under International Law, in The Oxford Handbook of the Regulation of Technology (Karen Young, et al., eds., Oxford U. Press 2017).
Christine Haight Farley, Looking Beyond the Known Story: How the Prehistory of GI Protection in the Americas Provides an Alternate Approach, in Geographical Indications at the Crossroads of Trade, Development and Culture in Asia-Pacific (Irene Calboli & Loy Wee Loon, eds., Cambridge U. Press 2017).
Christine Haight Farley, Free Speech Comes to Trademark Law SCOTUSblog (June 20, 2017).
Fernanda G. Nicola, Luxembourg Judicial Style with or without the UK, 40 Fordham Int'l L.J. 1505, 1534 (2017)
Fernanda Nicola, EU law Stories: Contextual and Critical Histories of European Jurisprudence (Fernanda Nicola & Bill Davies, eds., Cambridge U. Press 2017).
Fernanda Nicola, National Legal Traditions at Work in the Jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union 64 Am. J. Comp. L. (2017).
David Snyder & Randy Barnett, Chapter 13, Conditions, and Chapter 14, Breach, in Contracts: Cases & Doctrine (6th ed., Aspen Casebook Series, Wolters Kluwer 2017).
Lindsay F. Wiley & Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Law and Ethics, in Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book (The Hastings Ctr. 2017).
Paul Williams, A Legal Perspective on Yemen’s Attempted Transition from a Unitary to a Federal System of Government, Utrecht Journal of International and European Law (2017). Co-authored with Tiffany Sommadossi and Ayat Mujais.
Paul Williams, Blood Antiquities: Addressing a Culture of Impunity in the Antiquities Market Case Western Journal of International Law (2017). Co-authored with Christin Coster.
Jennifer Daskal, Law Enforcement Access to Data Across Borders: The Evolving Security & Rights Issues 8 J. Natl. Sec. L. & Policy 473 (Sept. 6, 2016).
Available Here
Christine Haight Farley, Counsel of Record, Amicus Curiae Brief of Law Professors, Lee v. Tam filed in U.S. (No. 15-1293 (Nov. 16, 2016)).
Available Here
Christine Haight Farley & Irene Calboli, The Trademark Provisions in the TRIPS Agreement, in Intellectual Property and International Trade: TRIPS Agreement (Carlos M. Correa ed., 3d. ed., Wolters Kluwer 2016).
Christine Haight Farley, Green Marks, in Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Climate Change (Joshua D. Sarnoff ed., Edward Elgar Press 2016).
Rebecca Hamilton, State-Enabled Crimes 41 Yale J. Intl. L. (August 1, 2016).
o Available Here
Fernanda Nicola & Daniele Gallo, The External Dimension of EU Investment Law: Jurisdictional Clashes and Transformative Adjudication 39 Ford. Intl. L.J. (2016).
Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon, Introductory Note to the Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Rights of Older Persons, 55 ILM 985 (2016).
Macarena Saez, La Reglamentación del Aborto en Chile: El fracaso de la separación entre Iglesia y Estado, in Sexo, Delitos y Pecados: Intersecciones Entre Religión, Género, Sexualidad y el Derecho en América Latina (J.M. Morán Faúndes & M. Saez, eds., Ctr. for Latin Am. & Latino Studies, Am. U. Dec. 2016).
Macarena Saez, Commentary, Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, in U.S. Feminist Judgments Project (Linda Berger, Bridget Crawford & Kathy Stanchi, eds., Cambridge U. Press 2016).
Macarena Saez, Sexual Orientation & the Law, in Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies(Angela Wong, Maithree Wickramasinghe and Renee C. Hooglan, eds., Wiley-Blackwell 2016).
Anita Sinha, Stealing Labor ColorLines (Sept. 5, 2016).
Available Here
Franck, Susan D. and van Aaken, Anne and Freda, James and Guthrie, Chris and Rachlinski , Jeffrey J., Inside the Arbitrator's Mind (November 20, 2016). Emory Law Journal, Vol. 66, 2017; Cornell Legal Studies Research Paper No. 16-46; American University, WCL Research Paper No. 2017-08.
Available at SSRN
Lindsay F. Wiley, Manel Kappagoda, & Anne Pearson, Public Health Law: Non-Communicable Disease Prevention, in The Oxford Handbook of U.S. Health Law (Glenn Cohen, Allison Hoffman, & William Sage, eds., Oxford U. Press 2016).
Lindsay F. Wiley, Applying the Health Justice Framework to Diabetes as a Community-managed Social Phenomenon 16 Houston J. Health L. & Policy 191 (2016).
Lindsay F. Wiley, The Struggle for the Soul of Public Health 41 J. Health, Politics, Policy & L. 1147(2016).
Lindsay F. Wiley, From Patient Rights to Health Justice 37 Cardozo L. Rev. 833 (2016).
Paul Williams, The Role of Lawyers in Peacebuilding, ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law (2016). Co-authored with Christin Coster.
Paul Williams, Strategic Absence: US Policy in the Middle East and North Africa, Case Western Journal of International Law (2016).
Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon (co-editor), Lo Humano como Derecho - De lo internacional a lo Local (Rodriguez-Pinzon, et al., Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Am. U. Wash. College of L. 2016).
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Jennifer Daskal, Case to Watch: Microsoft v. US on the Extraterritorial Reach of ECPA Just Sec. 03-05-15 (Mar. 5, 2015).
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Jennifer Daskal, The Substance of The Second Circuit: Four Key Takeaways ACS Blog (May 8, 2015).
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Jennifer Daskal, The NDAA 2016: GTMO Restrictions Redux (and A Sensible Alternative From Rep. Smith) Just Sec. (Apr. 26, 2015).
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Jennifer Daskal, Two Questions for Stephen Preston Just Sec. (Apr. 11, 2015).
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Jennifer Daskal, Why Sunset and Supersession Provisions Are Both Needed in an Anti-ISIL AUMF Just. Sec. (Mar. 18, 2015).
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Jennifer Daskal, It’s Up To Congress: No More Perpetual War Roanoke Times (Mar. 10, 2015).
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Jennifer Daskal, Microsoft Case: The Government Responds, But Fails To Convince Just. Sec.(Mar. 10, 2015).
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Jennifer Daskal & Ben Wittes, The Intellectual but Not Political AUMF Consensus Just Sec. (Mar. 2, 2015).
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Jennifer Daskal, Challenging the Guantanamo Narrative Just Sec. (Feb. 9, 2015).
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Jennifer Daskal, Close Guantanamo, But Do It Right Newsday (Feb. 6, 2015).
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Jennifer Daskal, Top 10 National Security Cases to Watch in 2015 Just Sec. (Jan. 1, 2015).
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Christine Haight Farley, No Comment: Will Prince v. Cariou Alter Copyright Judges’ Taste in Art? 4 Intell. Prop. Theory 19 (2015).
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Christine Haight Farley & Robert Tsai, Racial Slurs Shouldn’t Be Trademarked: The Washington Football Team’s Name is an Obstacle to Interstate Commerce Slate (Apr. 20, 2015).
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