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American University and the Society of Government Economists to Cohost Conference on Law and Economics

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American University Washington College of Law

On April 20, 2023, PIJIP and the American University College of Arts and Sciences will cohost a conference on Law and Economics with the Society of Government Economists. Conference panels will emphasize the role of knowledge in the economy and its connections to legal structures. Knowledge growth is an engine of economic growth. Critical to harnessing knowledge is the role of institutions and laws.

A plenary session on intellectual property and the knowledge economy will open our conference.


  • Andrew Toole, Chief Economist, US Patent and Trademark Office
  • Brent Lutes, Chief Economist, US Copyright Office
  • Walter Park, Moderator, Professor & Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, American University College of Arts and Sciences

full Program

For the full program, see the conference page hosted by the Society of Government Economists.