PIJIP Senior Analyst Andrés Izquierdo Contributes to WIPO Project on Text and Data Mining

In April of this year, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) achieved a significant milestone by approving its first-ever pilot project on Text and Data Mining (TDM). As the program was developed through delegates' deliberations, PIJIP Senior Analyst Researcher Andres Izquierdo provided valuable insights and input to Member States. The project was ultimately proposed by the African Group and approved by all Member States during the 30th Session of the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP).
In his recent InfoJustice post, Izquierdo delves deeper into the potential benefits of this exciting initiative, offering a comprehensive overview of its scope. We invite you to read his post by following this link: https://infojustice.org/archives/45260.
About Andrés Izquierdo
Andrés Izquierdo is Senior Research Analyst for our project on the Right to Research in International Copyright. He conducts high-impact research, provides training to a global network of change-makers, and connects a global academic network to the work of global and domestic organizations that represent researchers, libraries, museums, archives, educational and research institutions.