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Deadline Extended for Submissions: Right to Research in International Copyright Law

PIJIP and the American University International Law Review have extended the deadline for submissions for our Spring Symposium on the Right to Research in International Copyright Law. 

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Deadline: January 31
Conference: April 21-22

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Washington College of Law

We invite presentations of new or existing academic work defining human rights in relation to conducting and receiving research, surveying the degree to which copyright laws around the world adequately protect such rights, evaluating the impact of policy design on research, and proposing how international copyright law and policy should develop in this field.

We also invite presentations to propose language for a statement on protecting the right to research in international copyright that we will draft at the meeting. We will conclude with a Chatham House Rule discussion of a draft statement to be finalized after the meeting and delivered to the 42nd Session of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (May 9-13, 2022).

For more information, see our Symposium webpage.