The Technology, Law & Security (TLS) Program, in partnership with the Criminal Justice Practice & Policy Institute (CJPPI) at the American University Washington College of Law (WCL) and the Journal of National Security Law and Policy (JNSLP) at Georgetown University, is pleased to announce our joint Power, Policing and Tech project.
The tragic killing of George Floyd and the subsequent wave of mass protests have once again brought to the fore deep-seated concerns about policing, unnecessary and disproportionate uses of force, and unequal justice. Consistent with our focus on the intersection of technology, law and security, we seek papers addressing the role that technology might play in police and criminal justice restructuring. While technology will not, in and of itself, resolve the myriad, complex underlying problems, it can, and likely will be called on to play a role. Can, and if so how can technology help enhance accountability, ensure equal protection of the law, and support the building of law enforcement and prosecutorial practices that earn public trust. Already, bodycams and cell phone videos have born witness to repeated acts of police violence and provided an unprecedented window into police interactions with the public. How, can, and should technology be employed to empower citizens, expose injustices, support fair investigations and accountability, and restructure policing (including alternatives to traditional police forces) and the broader criminal justice system in constructive ways?
November 20: Technology, Policing and Earning the Public Trust
- Jack Goldsmith, Henry L. Shattuck Professor of Law, Harvard University (Moderator)
- Tracey Meares, Yale Law School
- Arthur Rizer, R Street Institute
- Bennett Capers, Fordham Law
- Dr. Rashall Brackney, Chief of Police, Charlottesville, Virginia
November 19: (Closed-Door) Police & Tech Symposium Paper Review
September 18: Power, Policing, & Tech Launch Event
- Andrew Ferguson, @ProfFerguson, Professor, American University Washington College of Law (Moderator)
- Elizabeth Joh, @elizabeth_joh, Martin Luther King Jr. Professor of Law, University of California, Davis School of Law
- Rashida Richardson, @RutgersIIPL Visiting Scholar, Rutgers Law School Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund
A recording of the event can be viewed here.
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