Coming Soon

  1. Lecture: While anti-Jewish hatred is very old, the term antisemitism is relatively new. What are its origins, how does it differ from traditional anti-Judaism, and why does it matter for the modern political discourse?

    Bio: Dr. Michael Brenner is Distinguished Professor of History and Seymour and Lillian Abensohn Chair in Israel Studies at American University. He also holds the chair of Jewish …more

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    Center for Israel Studies
    Virtual Events and Webinars
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  2. In her most personal book yet, Joan
    Nathan, the best-selling and award-winning
    authority on global Jewish cuisine, tells her
    personal journey through recipes from
    family history to the discovery of food from
    all over the world. In conversation with CIS
    Director Michael Brenner, Joan Nathan will
    reveal a treasury of recipes and stories. Co-sponsored by the Meltzer Schwartzberg Center for Israel …more

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  3. Princeton University Professor Jonathan Gribetz will give the annual Sonenshine Lecture on the subject of his new book, "Reading Herzl in Beirut."

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