Alumni Survey: The results are in!

Earlier this year, more than 2,000 of you responded to our alumni survey. Now, the American University Alumni Association leadership is working to implement changes and make improvements to our existing programs based on your suggestions.
In response to the feedback we received, you can expect more opportunities to connect with current students and to network with fellow alumni. Many career services initiatives for alumni will be enhanced, starting with the hire of a full-time staff member in AU’s award-winning Career Center in 2017. This staff position will be devoted to programs designed to enhance student–alumni connections and opportunities for alumni to network with one another. More online networking events will be added to the calendar for the coming year and will focus on career building, networking for specific industries, and opportunities to assist AU students looking for jobs and internships.
Our current suite of benefits and services will be enhanced to feature more of what you want, and we will make benefits information easier to find on our website and through social media. Our most popular benefit for alumni – the alumni audit program – now includes the option to participate in online courses and continues to support the Alumni Association Scholarship.
Volunteering for AU is already an important part of the alumni experience, but through the alumni survey, we’ve learned that you want even more opportunities to give back. Stay tuned for new opportunities to serve as Alumni Admissions Volunteers, regional chapter leaders, and leaders among alliances and interest groups.
In the coming months, you will also see greater opportunities to give feedback about the programs and events for alumni in your area. You’ll receive more notices regarding local events hosted by the university, and you’ll have opportunities to make suggestions about future programs. Regional chapter leaders will bring alumni together around programs of your choosing.
In order to take full advantage of all the Alumni Association offers you, please update your contact information and contact us with any questions. And, if you haven't already, follow the American University Alumni Association on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. We look forward to connecting with you.