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Photograph of Nicole Caporino

Nicole Caporino Associate Professor Psychology

PhD, Psychology (Clinical), University of South Florida;
MA, Psychology (Clinical), University of South Florida;
BA, Psychology, University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Caporino’s primary research interest is maximizing the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders in children and adolescents. This involves identifying predictors of differential treatment response and examining mechanisms of change in order to inform ways to tailor, augment, and/or intensify treatment. Dr. Caporino is particularly interested in addressing family variables that are related to less favorable response to CBT.

Another goal of Dr. Caporino’s research is to increase access to treatments with empirical support by identifying and addressing barriers to their utilization. This includes exploring uses of technology to make treatment more available and cost-effective, examining the acceptability of treatments to underserved populations, and facilitating the uptake of research findings by practicing clinicians.
See Also
Clinic for Youth Anxiety & Related Disorders
For the Media
To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.


Fall 2024

  • PSYC-200 Behavior Principles

  • PSYC-780 Adv Cog-Behv Thrpy w/Youth I

  • PSYC-898 Doctoral Continuing Enrollment

  • PSYC-899 Doctoral Dissertation

Spring 2025

  • PSYC-458 Developmental Psychopathology

  • PSYC-781 Adv Cog-Behv Thrpy w/Youth II

  • PSYC-898 Doctoral Continuing Enrollment

  • PSYC-899 Doctoral Dissertation

Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities

Selected Publications

Partial list of peer-reviewed journal articles (*student co-author):

*Kelley, K.N., Caporino, N.E., & Falkenstein, M.J. (accepted). Family accommodation in intensive/residential treatment for adults with OCD: A cross-lagged panel analysis. Behavior Therapy.

*Wong, J.X., & Caporino, N.E. (2023).  Youth Intolerance of Uncertainty–Parent-Report (YIU-PR):  A developmentally sensitive measure of intolerance of uncertainty in children and adolescents.  Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 45(1), 194-206.

*O’Brien Cannon. A., Caporino, N.E., O’Brien, M., Miklowitz, D.J., Addington, J.M., & Cannon, T. (2023).  Family communication and the efficacy of family-focused therapy in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis with comorbid anxiety.  Early Intervention in Psychiatry,  17(3), 281-289.

*Weinstock, R., Caporino, N., *McQuarrie, S., *Ronkin, E., *Wright, L., *Ludwig, N., & Tone, E. (2020).  Behavioral assessment and treatment of selective mutism in twins.  Clinical Case Studies, 19(6), 418-437.

*De Simone Irace, C., Caporino, N.E., & *McQuarrie, S. (2020).  Confirmatory factor analysis of the Caregiver Responses to Youth Media Exposure (CRYME).  Psychology of Violence, 10(6), 648-656.

Caporino, N.E., *Exley, S., Latzman, R.D. (2020).  Youth anxiety about political news.  Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 51, 683-698.

Wu, M., Caporino, N.E., Peris, T., Perez, J., Thamrin, H., Albano, A.M.,…Piacentini, J. (2020).  The impact of treatment expectations on exposure process and treatment outcomes in childhood anxiety disorders.  Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48, 79-89.

Keeton, C.K., Caporino, N.E., Kendall, P.C., Iyengar, S., Lee, P., Peris, T.,…Ginsburg, G.S. (2019).  Mood and suicidality outcomes 3-11 years following pediatric anxiety disorder treatment.  Depression and Anxiety, 36, 930-940.

McGuire, J.F., Caporino, N.E., Palitz, S.A., Kendall, P.C., Albano, A.M., Ginsburg, G., B.,…Piacentini, J. (2019). Integrating evidence-based assessment into clinical practice for pediatric anxiety disorders.  Depression and Anxiety, 36, 744-752.

*Francis, S.M.S., Tone, E., Caporino, N.E., Tully, E., & Cohen, L. (2019).  Examining cognitive predictors of parental rescue behavior and potential malleability of behavior using a psychoeducation intervention.  Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 50(2), 321-331.

Herres, J., Caporino, N.E., Cummings, C., & Kendall, P.C. (2018).  Emotional reactivity to daily events in youth with anxiety disorders.  Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 31(4), 387-401.

*McQuarrie, S., & Caporino, N.E. (2018).  Measuring caregiver impact on children’s violent news media exposure:  Development and initial validation of the Caregiver Responses to Youth Media Exposure (CRYME).  Psychology of Violence, 8(5), 527-536.

Palitz, S.A., Caporino, N.E., McGuire, J.F., Piacentini, J., Albano, A.M., Birmaher, B.,...Kendall, P.C. (2018).  Defining treatment response and remission in youth anxiety:  Signal detection analysis with the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children.  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 57(6), 418-427.

Peris, T., Caporino, N.E., O'Rourke, S., Kendall, P.C., Walkup, J., Albano, A.M.,...Compton, S.N. (2017).  Therapist-reported features of exposure tasks that predict differential treatment outcome for anxious youth.  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 56(12), 1043-1052.

Caporino, N.E., Sakolsky, D., Brodman, D.M., McGuire, J.F.,...Birmaher, B. (2017).  Establishing clinical cutoffs for response and remission on the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED).  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 56(8), 696-702.

Caporino, N.E., Read, K.L., Shiffrin, N.D., Settipani, C., Compton, S.N., Sherrill, J.,…Kendall, P.C. (2017).  Sleep-related problems and the effects of anxiety treatment in children and adolescents.  Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 46(5), 675-685.

Caporino, N.E., Herres, J., Kendall, P.C., & Wolk, C.B. (2016). Dysregulation in youth with anxiety disorders:  Relationship to acute and 7- to 19-year follow-up outcomes of cognitive-behavioral therapy.  Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 47(4), 539-547.

Caporino, N.E., & Storch, E.A. (2016).  Personalizing the treatment of pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder:  Evidence for predictors and moderators of treatment outcomes.  Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports, 3(1), 73-85.

Wolk, C.B., Caporino, N.E., *McQuarrie, S., Settipani, C., Podell, J.L., Crawley, S., Beidas, R.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2016).  Parent Attitudes, Beliefs, and Understanding of Anxiety (PABUA):  Development and psychometric properties of a measure.  Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 39, 71-78.

Benito, K., Caporino, N.E., Frank, H.E., Ramanujam, K., Garcia, A., Freeman, J., Kendall, P.C., Geffken, G., & Storch, E.A. (2015).  Development of the Pediatric Accommodation Scale:  Reliability and validity of clinician- and parent-report measures.  Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 29(1), 14-24.

Cummings, C.M., Caporino, N.E., & Kendall, P.C. (2014).  Comorbidity of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents:  20 years after.  Psychological Bulletin, 140(3), 816-845.

Ginsburg, G.S., Becker, E.M., Keeton, C.P., Sakolsky, D., Piacentini, J., Albano, A., Compton, S.N., Iyengar, S., Sullivan, K., Caporino, N., Peris, T., Birmaher, B., Rynn, M., March, J., & Kendall, P.C. (2014). Naturalistic follow-up of youth treated for pediatric anxiety disorders. JAMA Psychiatry,71(3), 310-318.

Caporino, N.E., Chen, J.I., & Karver, M.S. (2014).  Preliminary examination of ethnic group differences in adolescent girls’ attitudes toward depression treatments.  Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 20(1), 37-42.

Cummings, C.M., Caporino, N.E., Read, K., Settipani, C., Compton, S.N., March, J.,…Kendall, P.C. (2013).  Therapeutic relationship in CBT, medication, and combination treatment for anxious youth.  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 81(5), 859-864.

Caporino, N.E., Brodman, D., Kendall, P.C., Albano, A.M., Sherrill, J., Piacentini, J.,…Walkup, J.T. (2013).  Defining treatment response and remission in child anxiety:  Signal detection analysis using the Pediatric Anxiety Rating Scale.  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 52(1), 57-67.

Caporino, N.E., & Karver, M.S. (2012).  The acceptability of treatments for depression to a community sample of adolescent girls.  Journal of Adolescence, 35(5), 1237-1245.

Caporino, N.E., Morgan, J., Beckstead, J., Phares, V., Murphy, T.K., & Storch E.A. (2012).  A structural equation analysis of family accommodation in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder.  Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 40(1), 133-143.

Storch, E.A., Caporino, N.E., Morgan, J., Lewin, A.B., Rojas, A., Brauer, L.,…Murphy, T.K. (2011).  Preliminary investigation of web-camera delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy for youth with obsessive-compulsive disorder.  Psychiatry Research, 189, 407-412.

Storch, E.A., Larson, M.J., Muroff, J., Caporino, N., Geller, D., Reid, J.,…Murphy, T.K. (2010).  Predictors of functional impairment in children and adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder.  Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24(2), 275-283.

Lewin, A.B., Caporino, N.E., Murphy, T.K., Geffken, G.R., & Storch, E.A. (2010).  Understudied clinical dimensions in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder.  Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 41(6), 675-691.


AU Experts

Area of Expertise

Parent and family issues; mental disorders in children, anxiety, general worry phobias, general anxiety, ADHD, mood disorders, disruptive behavior, co-morbid conditions.

Additional Information

Caporino’s primary research interest is maximizing the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders in children and adolescents. Caporino is concerned with improved training for clinicians and how to train them in evidence-based methods.

For the Media

To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.

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