Orisanmi Burton Assistant Professor CAS | ANTH | Anthropology
- Degrees
- PhD The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Anthropology
MLIS Palmer School of Library and Information Science, Archival Studies
BA Hampshire College, Interdisciplinary Studies - Bio
As a social anthropologist working in the United States, my research examines the imbrication of grassroots resistance and state repression. Within this broad area of inquiry, my present work explores the collision of Black-led movements for social, political, and economic transformation with state infrastructures of militarized policing, surveillance, and imprisonment. I analyze the productivity of this collision; how it gives rise to new formations of knowledge, subjectivity, intimacy, gender, organization, and statecraft across time and space. I ask: how do Black radical demands generated within and against US prisons presage alternative futures for people and places on both sides of prison walls? In what ways have state-organized responses to these demands - via diverse configurations of repression, reform, and incorporation – been key drivers of US historical development and state formation? Through what bureaucratic, ideological, and material processes is this dynamic political struggle transformed into an administrative problem of “criminal justice”? How can conceptualizing the US prison as a domain of war open new analytical, theoretical, and methodological terrain?
My first book Tip of the Spear: Black Radicalism, Prison Repression, and the Long Attica Revolt was published in October 2023 by The University of California Press.
- For the Media
- To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.
Fall 2024
ANTH-210 Race and Racism
ANTH-642 Public Anthropology
Spring 2025
ANTH-496 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring: Ethnography, Power, Archive
ANTH-898 Doctoral Continuing Enrollment
ANTH-899 Doctoral Dissertation
Partnerships & Affiliations
Antiracist Research & Policy Center
Faculty Affiliate
Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities
Selected Publications
- Burton, Orisanmi (2023)."Targeting Revolutionaries: The Birth of the Carceral Warfare Project, 1970-1978." Radical History Review. Vol. 146.
- Burton, Orisanmi (2021)."Captivity, Kinship & Black Masculine Care Work Under Domestic Warfare." American Anthropologist. Vol. 123, No. 3.
- Burton, Orisanmi (2021)."Revolution is Illegal: Revisiting the Panther 21 at 50." Spectre Journal.
- Burton, Orisanmi. “When Lions Have Historians”: Black Political Literacy in the Carceral University." In Plantation Politics and Campus Rebellions: Power, Diversity, and the Emancipatory Struggle in Higher Education, edited by Bianca C Williams, Dian D. Squire and Frank A. Tuitt. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 2021.
- "Authority, Confinement, Solidarity, and Dissent," a discussion with Catherine Besteman, Karina Biondi, and Orisanmi Burton (2019). Speaking Justice to Power III. Polar: Political & Legal Anthropology Review. eBook.
- Burton, Orisanmi (2018). "Organized Disorder: The New York City Jail Rebellion of 1970." The Black Scholar, Vol. 48, No. 3.
Honors, Awards, and Fellowships
2021 Freedom Scholar, Marguerite Casey Foundation
2020-2021 Evelyn Green Davis Fellow, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University
Research Interests
United States, race & racialization, prisons, policing, security, war, social movements, Black studies, mascullinity, ethnographic methods, archives