You are here: American University School of Education Faculty William R. Buchanan

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William R. Buchanan Adjunct Professorial Lect School of Education

PhD K-12 Educational Leadership, TUI University
M.A.Ed Teaching and Instruction, TUI University
A.M. Urban Education Policy, Brown University
B.M. Jazz Composition, Berklee College of Music

Dr. William Buchanan is the Director of the Office of Grants, Research, Accountability, & Data (GRAD) at Fayette County Public Schools (FCPS), the second largest school district in the Commonwealth of Kentucky (approximately 42,000 students and growing). He and his team lead the district's on-going efforts to integrate data assets across the enterprise into a robust enterprise class data warehouse and integrated business intelligence solution, provide psychometric support to the district, and lead the district's program evaluation, machine learning, and predictive analytics efforts. Prior to FCPS, Dr Buchanan worked as a Data Scientist at Minneapolis Public Schools, a Strategic Data Project Data Fellow at the Mississippi Department of Education (where he programmed the state's school and district accountability system), and statistical methodology consultant.

Dr Buchanan is also a regular presenter at the North American Stata User's Group annual conferences, an avid open-source contributor, and a regular presenter on topics related to data visualization, programming practies, and data analysis at workshops and annual convenings of the Strategic Data Project, part of the Center for Education Policy Research at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Dr Buchanan holds a PhD in K-12 Educational Leadership from TUI University, an AM in Urban Education Policy from Brown University, an MAEd in Teaching and Instruction from TUI University, and a BM in Jazz Composition from the Berklee College of Music. Dr Buchanan is also a combat veteran who served in the 1st Armored Division Band and deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom where he premiered original compositions for the first lady of Iraq.
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For the Media
To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.

Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities

Professional Presentations

2019 19th Annual North American Stata User's Group Conference
Chicago, IL Barrel aged software development: brewscheme as a four-year old

Strategic Data Project Annual Convening

Boston, MA

Fighting the Good Fight: Organizing Market Forces for Data Interoperability, Integration, & Privacy


Amelia Vance, Erin Mote, Sean Casey, Mark Luetzelschwab, & William Buchanan

Role Panel Organizer
2018 NCES STATS-DC Conference
Washington, D.C. Identity: Let's Secure and Operationalize That!
Presenters Shannon Kerlick & William Buchanan
2018 NCES STATS-DC Conference
Washington, D.C. Link Violence & Crime Data with Student Outcomes at School
Presenters Shanshan Wang & William Buchanan
2018 18th Annual North American Stata User's Group Conference
Columbus, OH Automating Exploratory Data Analysis Tasks with eda
2018  Strategic Data Project Annual Convening
Boston, MA How can we make our data talk to one another?  The perils and promise of data integration efforts
Presenters William Buchanan, Stephen Fedore, David Hersh, Christopher Leake, Alyssa Reinhart, & Bryan Shelly
Role Panelist
2017 17th Annual North American Stata User's Group Conference
Baltimore, MD Stata extensibility with the Java API: Tools, examples, and advice
2017 Strategic Data Project Annual Convening
Boston, MA Using Git to Promote Collaboration and Reproducible Research
Presenters Nathan Trenholm, Daphne Jenkins, William Buchanan, & Jason Becker
Role Panel Organizer/Panelist
2017 Strategic Data Project Annual Convening
Boston, MA Open Agenda: Developing a Research Agenda in Your Education Agency
Presenters Cara Jackson, Bart Ligouri, & William Buchanan
2016 Scott Trimble Assessment Workshop
Louisville, KY Intro to Item Response Theory Using Open Source Solutions
2016 16th Annual North American Stata User's Group Conference
Chicago, IL Interactive Data Visualization for the web: Using jsonio, libd3, and libhtml to create reusable D3js graphs
2016 Strategic Data Project Annual Convening
Boston, MA Becoming a Better Data Communicator: Stata Data Visualization
2015 15th Annual North American Stata User's Group Conference
Columbus, OH Brewing color schemes in Stata: Making it easier for end users to customize Stata graphics
2014 14th Annual North American Stata User's Group Conference
Boston, MA Using Stata for Educational Accountability and Compliance Reporting


Honors, Awards, and Fellowships

2013 Strategic Data Project Data Fellow (Center for Education Policy Research at

Harvard Graduate School of Education)

2010 Inducted into Kappa Delta Pi International Honors Society in Education

2010 Inducted into Pi Lambda Theta International Honors Society in Education

2009 Urban Education Fellow in Urban Education Policy (Brown University)

2009 Good Conduct Medal (US Army)

2008 Combat Action Badge (US Army)

2008 Personal Recognition from US Ambassador to Iraq (US Army)

2008 Army Commendation Medal 3rd Award (US Army)

2008 Army Achievement Medal (US Army)

2006 Berklee Achievement Scholarship (Berklee College of Music)

2005 Berklee Achievement Scholarship (Berklee College of Music)

2004 Berklee Achievement Scholarship (Berklee College of Music)