Training for AU Staff
Your professional development is important. Several departments on campus enhance your career opportunities with training and skill development programs. Check back often, as we continue to add new offerings.
Required Training for Staff
- New Hire Orientation
- Performance Management Program Overview and Goal Setting
- Unlawful Harassment Prevention for Higher Ed Staff
- Preventing Discrimination and Sexual Violence: Title IX, VAWA and Clery Act for Faculty and Staff
- Compensation at AU: An Overview of the Staff Compensation Program
- Service Plus
- Performance Management Program: The Mid-year Discussion
- Performance Management Program: The Year-end Appraisal
- Reducing Your Digital Risk: Security Basics Part 1
- Reducing Your Digital Risk: Security Basics Part 2
Required for supervisors and managers
- New Hire Orientation
- Performance Management Program Overview and Goal Setting
- Unlawful Harassment Prevention for Higher Ed Staff
- Unlawful Harassment Prevention Supervisor Supplement for High Ed Staff
- Preventing Discrimination and Sexual Violence: Title IX, VAWA and Clery Act for Faculty and Staff
- Compensation at AU: An Overview of the Staff Compensation Program
- People Management Basics
- Fiscal Management Basics
- Service Plus
- Creating a Service Culture
- PMP Goal Setting: "Setting Performance Expectations"
- Performance Management Program: The Mid-year Discussion
- Performance Management Program: The Year-end Appraisal
- PMP Year-end Appraisals: "Reviewing Performance Progress"
- Reducing Your Digital Risk: Security Basics Part 1
- Reducing Your Digital Risk: Security Basics Part 2
Managers may also wish to participate in our Professional Development Courses and Certificates program.
Course Descriptions
Compensation at AU: An Overview of Staff Compensation Program
This 30-minute interactive video provides an overview of the staff compensation program.
Creating a Service Culture
This course gives you the essential skills and practices to create and promote a service-oriented culture. Examine your role in creating and supporting AU's commitment to student-centered service. Learn to recognize the factors that diminish service and what you can do to create an environment that fosters service-oriented systems, processes, and behaviors.
Fiscal Management Basics
AU's financial health depends greatly on the employees who manage the university's fiscal resources. This course provides information essential to employees who are involved in financial management including budgeting, purchasing, and/ or accounts payable.
New Hire Orientation
Get a comprehensive introduction to AU, from the university's history, to policies and procedures,benefits, and payroll. Orientation includes a campus tour and a technology overview. You also will get your photo ID.
People Management Basics
This program provides supervisors and managers with a comprehensive overview of American University's policies and procedures needed to perform your managerial duties in compliance with university policy and local and federal regulations. Topics covered include: employment policies and employment law, compensation policies, recruiting, e-actions, time sheet management, managing a flexible workforce, employee probation, and the basics of FMLA, short term, and long term disability.
Performance Management Program Overview and Goal Setting
Learn about American University's Performance Management Program, in the AsuccessfulU system.
Performance Management Program: The Mid-year Discussion
This 30-minute interactive video discusses the process of completing the PMP Mid-year discussion. Additional guidance on how to identify areas for development and create development plans for professional growth is covered.
Performance Management Program: The Year-end Appraisal
This 35-minute interactive video reviews the PMP Year-end appraisal process including a focus on Year-end ratings.
PMP Goal Setting: "Setting Performance Expectations"
This course helps managers and leaders drive performance and accountability by helping people understand what is expected of them and ensuring their commitment to achieving it. When you conduct effective expectation-setting discussions, people feel more motivated to perform well because they see how their efforts make a difference.
PMP Year-end Appraisals: "Reviewing Performance Progress"
This course helps managers and leaders drive performance and accountability by replacing the "dread" of performance reviews with the "human touch" that builds trusting relationships with the people who report to you. Learn how to conduct effective discussions that recognize their success and plan for their future development.
Preventing Discrimination and Sexual Violence: Title IX, VAWA and Clery Act for Faculty and Staff
This course meets training requirements for employees mandated by the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (Campus SaVE Act), which is part of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA), and Title IX (whose training mandates apply to schools that receive federal funding for education programs or activities). The course educates faculty and staff members about sex discrimination and sexual violence, as well as how the school prohibits such offenses, and employee responsibilities to respond.
Reducing Your Digital Risk: Security Basics Part 1
This collection of short videos will introduce you to 5 important topics designed to increase your awareness of cyber threats and help you to protect and defend American University's digital resources.
Reducing Your Digital Risk: Security Basics Part 2
This collection of short videos will introduce you to 5 important topics designed to increase your awareness of cyber threats and help you to protect and defend American University's digital resources.
Service Plus
Learn about the Service Success Loop and strategies for creating strong service-client relationships in a student-centered environment. Exercises will teach you how to identify what your client is requesting and how to meet emotional needs while delivering products and services. Also, learn how to deal with dissatisfied clients and communicate under challenging circumstances.
Unlawful Harassment Prevention for Higher Ed Staff
This training is intended to prevent workplace discrimination and harassment - racial, ethnic, sexual, or otherwise - and to promote respect for colleagues. You will learn how to identify harassment in the workplace and become familiar with AU's policies on discrimination and sexual harassment.
Unlawful Harassment Prevention Supervisor Supplement for High Ed Staff
This training covers a manager's responsibilities when issues involving discrimination and harassment arise. You will learn about a manager's obligation to report instances of suspected harassment as well as prohibitions regarding retaliation.