Stability and Change in International Investment Law – Assessing the Risks and Challenges for the Next 25 Years
An online series of round tables to discuss current developments of international investment law
The Center on International Commercial Arbitration provides a high-level academic forum for exchanging ideas on salient issues and current developments in the field of arbitration. The Center offers an LL.M. in International Arbitration and Business Law, online certificate courses in commercial and investment arbitration, a Summer Institute, a Practical Seminar, and an introduction to international arbitration for judges. The Center also organizes two moot arbitration competitions, an Annual Lecture, and a bi-annual Symposium, besides other conferences and workshops.
The Center is directed by Horacio A. Grigera Naón, independent international arbitrator and former secretary general of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. The Center also benefits from the knowledge and strategic advice of a Board consisting of many of the most highly respected arbitrators and practitioners in the field.
SCHOLARSHIPS - Special Announcement! - Becas de Estudio
The 2024 OAS Scholarship call for expressions of interest is out! Learn more about the comprehensive scholarships for the LL.M. in International Arbitration and Business Law (in-residence and online) HERE. Las becas de la OEA para la maestría en arbitraje y derecho de los negocios, edición 2024, están publicadas. Más información AQUI.
LL.M. Moot Arbitration Competition 2025
The 2024-25 LL.M. Moot Arbitraton Competition will have the oral rounds in Washington, D.C. between April 10 and 12, 2025. Contact us at for more information and to register your team!
An online series of round tables to discuss current developments of international investment law
Washington, D.C., 2 a 6 de diciembre de 2024
El curso estudia la relación entre la justicia constitucional establecida por los Estados y los mecanismos alternativos de solución de disputas. Distinguidos juristas y árbitros analizan la función de los tribunales de justicia, el alcance del poder de supervisión de los jueces sobre los procedimientos de solución alternativa de disputas, y las posibilidades de incorporar dichos medios de solución alternativa en la práctica. Se explora el marco jurídico internacional, así como ejemplos de diferentes jurisdicciones en una aproximación comparada.
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