Spanish for Lawyers

¿Hablas español pero se te dificulta hablar de temas jurídicos en español?

Ésta es tu oportunidad para mejorar tu comunicación en el idioma. Inscríbete en uno de los cursos de Español para Abogados en American University Washington College of Law. Estos cursos sobre derecho penal e inmigratorio te permitirán potenciar tus conocimientos idiomáticos, lo que favorecerá tu comunicación efectiva con abogados y clientes de habla hispana.

General Overview

Spanish for Lawyers at American University Washington College of Law introduces lawyers, legal professionals, and law students with a high-intermediate to advanced level of Spanish speaking skills to legal Spanish concepts and cross-cultural communication in the context of U.S. Criminal Law and U.S. Immigration Law. Through lectures, written assignments, and oral exercises, participants will practice a wide array of legal Spanish skills ranging from legal reading and writing strategies to oral presentation of substantive legal issues. The courses will be taught in Spanish. This program is structured in two courses:

As a rule, we encourage participants to first take the Spanish for Lawyers course and then build upon that course to take the Spanish for Lawyers - Advanced course. Admission to the Spanish for Lawyers - Advanced course for participants who have not taken the initial course will only be granted on a case-by-case basis and upon existence of objective reasons why the candidate was not able to complete the general Spanish for Lawyers course. 

Listening and Speaking Skills

With the aim of preparing participants for real world situations such as client meetings and conference calls, Spanish for Lawyers incorporates exercises that focus on listening and speaking skills. Participants will give presentations and will engage in discussions and attorney-client meeting simulations.


Participants must be practicing lawyers, legal professionals, or law students with a high-intermediate to advanced level of Spanish proficiency. Participants are expected to actively participate in class exercises and complete homework assignments.


The instructors of Spanish for Lawyers are Spanish and Latin American lawyers and teachers who have experience with international students.


If you have any questions about the program, please contact the program director, Bjorn Arp, at (202) 677-1321 or