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Game Center 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20016 United StatesFaculty Research & Creative Practice
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Creative Projects
- Phelps, Andrew M. and Doris C. Rusch. The Witch’s Way, 2020-2021
- Krzysztof Pietroszek, Private Apocalypse of Tim (producer), 2020.
- Benjamin Stokes, Neighborhood Storytelling System (lead designer), 2018-2020.
- Phelps, Andrew M. and Aaron Cloutier. Fragile Equilibrium, 2016-2019.
- Krzysztof Pietroszek, Walking for Freedom: A Venezuelan Story (associate producer), 2019.
- Michael Treanor, Stick Time, 2017.
- Benjamin Stokes, Hive Mechanic.
- Factitious, 2018-2020.
- Andrew Phelps, Hack, Slash, Backstab, 2015-2016.
- Brigid Maher, The Mama Sherpas (director), 2015.
- Andrew Phelps, Splattershmup, 2014-2015.
- Benjamin Stokes, Sankofa Says (lead designer), 2014.

Fragile Equilibrium by Andrew Phelps.
Areas of Interest
Mental Health
Dunlap, K. & Kowert, R. (2021). Mental health in 3D: A dimensional model of mental illness representation in digital games. Loading… The Journal of Canadian Game Studies Association, 13(22).
Dunlap, K. & Kowert, R. (2021). The monstrosity of stigma: Mental health representation in video games. Proceedings from The 17th annual Tampere University Game Research Lab spring seminar. April 20-22, 2021.
Phelps, A., Wagner, J. and Moger, A. (2020) "Experiential Depression and Anxiety Through Proceduralized Play: A Case Study of Fragile Equilibrium." Journal of Games, Self, and Society. (2) v.1. p.104-149.
Kelli Dunlap, “Mental Health in Games - How We Can Do Better.” Extra Credits, 2019.
Phelps, Andrew M and Aaron Cloutier. Fragile Equilibrium, 2016-2019.
Mark J. Nelson, Amy K. Hoover. “Notes on using Google Colaboratory in AI education,” Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 2020.
Egert, C. and Phelps, A. (2019) "Balancing Entertainment and Educational Objectives in Academic Game Creation: A Production Focused Studio Classroom Approach." Farber, M. (Ed.) Global Perspectives on Gameful and Playful Teaching and Learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
K Pietroszek, CC Lin. “UniVResity: Face-to-Face Class Participation for Remote Students using Virtual Reality,” 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 1-2, 2019.
K Pietroszek. “Virtual reality as a medium for remote class participation,” Workshop, Long and Short Paper, and Poster Proceedings from the Fifth Immersive Learning Research Network Conference (iLRN 2019 London). Immersive Learning Network, 2019.
K Pietroszek, L Tahai. “Scalebridge VR: Immersive Proportional Reasoning Game for Children with Brain-Computer Interface for Difficulty Scaling,” 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 1, 2019
K Pietroszek, Z Agraraharja, C Eckhardt. “The Royal Game of Ur: Virtual Reality Prototype of the Board Game Played in Ancient Mesopotamia,” 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 2021
Keiko Katsuragawa, Krzysztof Pietroszek, James R Wallace, Edward Lank. “Watchpoint: Freehand pointing with a smartwatch in a ubiquitous display environment,” Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2016, 128-135.
Community Engagement
Stokes, Benjamin. Locally Played: Real-World Games for Stronger Places and Communities, 2020, MIT Press.
Stokes, B., Arroyo, H., Loewen, M., Stevenson, T., Karr, C. J. (2020). A Playful City in the Cards: Sharing Power in Game Design by Extending the Card Metaphor. CHI PLAY ’20: Extended Abstracts of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 375–378. Presented virtually at CHI PLAY, Ottawa, Canada.
Dunlap, K., Shanley, M., & Wagner, J. (Under review). Mental Health Live: Mental Health of Streamers during COVID-19. Live Streaming Culture.
Phelps, A. & Consalvo, M. (2020) Laboring Artists: Art Streaming on the Videogame Platform Twitch. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Maui, HI.
Consalvo, M., & Phelps, A. (2019). Performing Game Development Live on Twitch. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Maui, HI. p. 2438-2447. Retrived online:
Recent Publications
Books & Book Chapters
- Stokes, Benjamin. Locally Played: Real-World Games for Stronger Places and Communities, 2020, MIT Press.
- Consalvo, M. and Phelps, A. (2021) "Game Development Live on Twitch: Observations of Practice and Educational Synergies" O. Sotamaa & J. Svelch (Eds.) Game Production Studies: Cultural Studies of Video Game Industries. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press.
- Connell, M. & Dunlap, K. “You Are the One Foretold; Finding Yourself Through the Journey,” Video Games and Well Being: Press Start, edited by Rachel Kowert, 2020, Palgrave Pilot.
- Dunlap, K. & Anderson, C. “Finding Identities: Why Being a Geek is Socially Powerful,” Integrating Geek Culture into Therapeutic Practice: The Clinician’s Guide to Geek Therapy, edited by Anthony M. Bean, Emorys Daniel Jr., and Sarah A. Hays, 2020.
- Egert, C. and Phelps, A. (2019) "Balancing Entertainment and Educational Objectives in Academic Game Creation: A Production Focused Studio Classroom Approach." Farber, M. (Ed.) Global Perspectives on Gameful and Playful Teaching and Learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Phelps, A., C. Egert and A. Decker. (2019) "Splattershmup: A Game of Art & Motion". Learning in Games Book 3. Ed. K. Schrier. p364-368. ETC Press, Carnegie Mellon University.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Dunlap, K., Shanley, M., & Wagner, J. (Under review). Mental Health Live: Mental Health of Streamers during COVID-19. Live Streaming Culture.
- Phelps, A., Egert, C. & Consalvo, M. (2021) "Hack, Slash & Backstab: A Post-Mortem of University Game Development at Scale" International Journal of Designs for Learning, 12(1), 16–33. DOI: 10.14434/ijdl.v12i1.31263
- Consalvo, M., & Phelps, A. (2021). Getting through a Tough Day (Again): What Possum Springs Says about Mental Health and Social Class. American Journal of Play, 12(3), 338–362.
- Dunlap, K. & Kowert, R. (2021). Mental health in 3D: A dimensional model of mental illness representation in digital games. Loading… The Journal of Canadian Game Studies Association, 13(22).
- Stokes, B., Bar, F., Baumann, K., Caldwell, B., & Schrock, A. (2021). Urban furniture in digital placemaking: Adapting a storytelling payphone across Los Angeles. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 27.
- Rusch, Doris C and Andrew M. Phelps (2020) "Existential Transformational Game Design: Harnessing the 'Psychomagic' of Symbolic Enactment" Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.571522
- Phelps, A., Wagner, J. and Moger, A. (2020) "Experiential Depression and Anxiety Through Proceduralized Play: A Case Study of Fragile Equilibrium." Journal of Games, Self, and Society. (2) v.1. p.104-149. DOI: 10.1184/R1/12215417
- Dunlap, K., & Rivers, S. (2019). Beyond Empathy: Games to Foster Teen’s Social and Emotional Skills. Journal of Games, Self, & Society.
- Stokes, B., & Williams, D. (2018). Gamers Who Protest: Small-Group Play and Social Resources for Civic Action. Games and Culture, 13(4), 327–348. doi: 10.1177/1555412015615770
- Swen E. Gaudl, Mark J. Nelson, Simon Colton, Rob Saunders, Edward J. Powley, Blanca Pérez Ferrer, Peter Ivey, Michael Cook. “Rapid game jams with fluidic games: A user study & design methodology,” Entertainment Computing, 2018.
Conference Proceedings & Presentations
- Dunlap, K. & Kowert, R. (2021). The monstrosity of stigma: Mental health representation in video games. Proceedings from The 17th annual Tampere University Game Research Lab spring seminar. April 20-22, 2021
- Phelps, A., Consalvo, M., and Bowman, N. (2021) “Streaming Into the Void: An Analysis of Microstreaming Trends and Behaviors Utilizing a Demand Framework.” Presented at the 54th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS), Kauai, HI.
- Consalvo, Mia, and Andrew Phelps. “Teaching Students How to Make Games for Research-Creation/Meaningful Impact: (Is Hard).” International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, Association for Computing Machinery, 2020, pp. 1–7. ACM Digital Library, doi:10.1145/3402942.3402990
- Stokes, B., Arroyo, H., Loewen, M., Stevenson, T., Karr, C. J. (2020). "A Playful City in the Cards: Sharing Power in Game Design by Extending the Card Metaphor." CHI PLAY ’20: Extended Abstracts of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 375–378. Presented virtually at CHI PLAY, Ottawa, Canada.
- M Rebol, C Gütl, K Pietroszek. “Real-time Gesture Animation Generation from Speech for Virtual Human Interaction,” Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-4, 2021
- M Rebol, C Güti, K Pietroszek, “Passing a Non-verbal Turing Test: Evaluatina Gesture Animations Generated from Speech,” 2021 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 573-581, 2021.
- Manuel Rebol, Colton Hood, Claudia Ranniger, Adam Rutenberg, Neal Sikka, Erin Maria Horan, Christian Gütl, Krzysztof Pietroszek. “Remote Assistance with Mixed Reality for Procedural Tasks,” 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 653-654, 2021.
- K Pietroszek, Z Agraraharja, C Eckhardt. “The Royal Game of Ur: Virtual Reality Prototype of the Board Game Played in Ancient Mesopotamia,” 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 2021
- Mark J. Nelson, Amy K. Hoover. “Notes on using Google Colaboratory in AI education,” Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 2020.
- Rusch, Doris C. and Phelps, A. (2020) "Navigating Existential, Transformative Game Design." Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) 2020. Center of Excellence in Game Culture Studies. Tampere, Finland. (in-person presentation at DiGRA2021 due to COVID-19)
- Consalvo, M. and Phelps, A. (2020) "Banal, boring, or bad: Studying the understudied in game studies." Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) 2020. Center of Excellence in Game Culture Studies. Tampere, Finland. (in-person presentation at DiGRA2021 due to COVID-19)
- Phelps, A. & Consalvo, M. (2020). "Laboring Artists: Art Streaming on the Videogame Platform Twitch." Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Maui, HI.
- K Pietroszek, C Eckhardt. “Volumetric capture for narrative films,” 26th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 1-3, 2020.
- E Pinson, K Pietroszek, Q Sun, C Eckhardt, “An Open Framework for Infinite Walking With Saccadic Redirection,” 26th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 1-2, 2020
- K Pietroszek, “Interaction in Volumetric Film: An Overview,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 1-2, 2020
- D Fujiwara, K Kellar, I Humer, K Pietroszek, C Eckhardt, “VSEPR Theory, An Interactive and Immersive Virtual Reality,” 2020 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), 2020.
- S Lontschar, D Deegan, I Humer, K Pietroszek, C Eckhardt. “Analysis of Haptic Feedback and its Influences in Virtual Reality Learning Environments,” 2020 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), 2020.
- S Lontschar, K Pietroszek, I Humer, C Eckhardt. “An Immersive and Interactive Visualization of Gravitational Waves,” 2020 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), 2020.
- K Pietroszek, “‘Vera’–Crossing the Fourth Wall,” Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2020.
- Stokes, B. (2019). Localism with (Serious) Games: Horizontal Channels and Models. DiGRA ’19 – Proceedings of the 2019 DiGRA International Conference. Presented at Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo-Mix, Kyoto, Japan.
- Stokes, B., Williams, O., Arroyo, H., & Loewen, M. (2019). Neighborhood Circulation of Civic Stories: A Trans-Local Platform. Proceedings of CLS ’19. Presented at the Connected Learning Summit, Irvine, CA.
- Phelps, A. & Consalvo, M. (2019) "Development Streaming and Authenticity: Cultural Connections, Democracy and Potential Platforms of Engagement" Media in Transition 10. Boston, MA.
- M Treanor, MJ Nelson. “Order-fulfillment games: an analysis of games about serving customers,” Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, 2019.
- Mike Treanor, Mark J. Nelson. “Order-fulfillment games: An analysis of games about serving customers,” International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, 2019.
- Joan Casas-Roma, Mark J. Nelson, Joan Arnedo-Moreno, Swen E. Gaudl, Rob Saunders. “Towards simulated morality systems: Role-playing games as artificial societies,” International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 2019.
- Antonios Liapis, Georgios N. Yannakakis, Mark J. Nelson, Mike Preuss, Rafael Bidarra. “Orchestrating game generation,” IEEE Transactions on Games, 2019.
- Playable experiences at AIIDE 2018, Ben Samuel, Aaron Reed, Emily Short, Samantha Heck, Barrie Robison, Landon Wright, Terence Soule, Mike Treanor, Joshua McCoy, Anne Sullivan, Alireza Shirvani, Edward Garcia, Rachelyn Farrell, Stephen Ware, Katherine Compton. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 2018.
- Phelps, A., Consalvo, M., and Egerct, C. "Development Streaming as a Pedagogical and Community Strategy for Games Education." Presented at the Workshop on New Research Perspectives on Game Design & Development Education. CHI PLAY 2018, October 28, 2018, Melbourne, Australia
- Decker, A., Egert. C, and Phelps, A. "Learning to Create or Creating to Learn" International Academic Conference on Meaningful Play, October 11, 2018, p288-304. East Lansing, Michigan. ETC Press
- J Klafehn, P Inglese, M Treanor, J McCoy, CA Davis. “Walking a Mile in Simulated Shoes: Development of an Assessment of Perspective Taking”, Proceedings of the Eleventh annual MODSIM World Conference, 2018.
- Mike Treanor, Christopher W. Totten, Joshua McCoy, G. Tanner Jackson. “Merging Education, Assessment, and Entertainment in Math Games: A Case Study of Function Force,” In the Proceedings of the International Academic Conference on Meaningful Play, 2018.
- Jennifer Klafehn, Patricia Inglese, Mike Treanor, and Joshua McCoy. “Walking a Mile in Simulated Shoes: Development of an Assessment of Perspective Taking,” In the Proceedings of the MODSIM2018 Conference, 2018
- Dunlap, K. (2018). Representation of Mental Illness in Video Games. Proceedings from 2019 Connected Learning Summit.
- Stokes, B., Baumann, K., & Bar, F. (2018). "Placemaking across Platforms: Playing to Circulate Stories in the Smart City." In Y. Chisik (Ed.), Proceedings of INTETAIN 2017, the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (Vol. 215, pp. 1–5). Funchal, Portugal: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-73062-2_13
- Mark J. Nelson, Swen E. Gaudl, Simon Colton, Sebastian Deterding. “Curious users of casual creators,” FDG Workshop: Curiosity in Games, 2018.
- Simon Colton, Mark J. Nelson, Edward J. Powley, Swen E. Gaudl, Rob Saunders, Blanca Pérez Ferrer, Peter Ivey, Michael Cook. “A parameter-space design methodology for casual creators,” International Conference on Computational Creativity, 2018.
- Anna Huang, Sherol Chen, Mark J. Nelson, Douglas Eck. “Towards mixed-initiative generation of multi-channel sequential structure,” International Conference on Learning Representations: Workshop Track, 2018.
Faculty at Large
Selected non-academic writing and appearances by our faculty
- Andrew Phelps, "Well-Played: Spiritfarer, Age, Death, Peace, and a Pandemic," Games for Change 2021.
- Andrew Phelps, “Gaming fosters social connection at a time of physical distance.” The Conversation, 2020.
- Lukosch, H. and Andrew Phelps “Online plagues, protein folding, and spotting fake news: what games can teach us during the coronavirus pandemic,” The Conversation, 2020.
- Kelli Dunlap, “Mental Health in Games - How We Can Do Better.” Extra Credits, 2019.