Elections 2020: Experts and Events Resource Guide Available for Journalists
As former Vice President Joe Biden prepares to announce his running mate, American University shares an online guide that features resources for members of the media who seek to interview experts and attend events to inform their reporting on the ultimate 100 days of the 2020 campaign.
Topics that AU experts can address range from the Donald Trump presidency; to absentee and mail-in voting during the COVID-19 pandemic; national, state and local campaigns at a time of pandemic; voter turnout and voter behavior; women in politics; police violence and systemic racism; candidate diversity; and lobbying and interest groups.
AU’s prominent scholars and commentators include David Barker, director of AU’s Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies; Capri Cafaro, executive-in-residence at AU’s School of Public Affairs and former Democratic Party leader of the Ohio State Senate; Ernesto Castaneda, assistant professor, College of Arts & Sciences; Amy Dacey, executive director of the Sine Institute of Policy & Politics; Laura DeNardis, Interim Dean and professor at the School of Communication; Betsy Fischer Martin, executive director at AU’s Women & Politics Institute; Bradley Hardy, associate professor in the School of Public Affairs; Anita McBride, executive-in-residence and former assistant to President George W. Bush and chief of staff to First Lady Laura Bush; Jordan Tama, associate professor in the School of International Service and a research fellow at AU’s Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies; James Thurber, distinguished professor of public affairs and author of Obama in Office and American Gridlock: The Sources, Character and Impact of Political Polarization; Sherri Williams, assistant professor of social justice, media and race in the School of Communication; and many others.
The guide lists AU experts by name and categories and features professors’ recent media appearances and publications. It also provides information about virtual elections-related events open to news media.