Help Raise Money for New SOC Fund for Students
American University School of Communication (SOC) is raising support for a new fund to help SOC students directly by reducing the financial barriers they might face when pursuing out of the classroom opportunities. The Student Experiential Learning Fund (SELF) is in the early stages of funding, with the mission to help provide financial resources to students to pursue internships, film festivals, and other experiential learning opportunities during their time in SOC.
Consider supporting SELF during this year’s Founders Day campaign!
The Founders Day celebration is a 36-hour event that will kick off on February 23, 2017 at 7:00am EST and continue until February 24, 2017 at 7:00pm EST.
Founders Day is an annual day of giving to celebrate the founding of American University. Last year, a record number of donors gave more than $104,000 for one purpose – to support AU. This year, we have an ambitious goal of 500 donors. Participants have the choice to give to the school, program, initiative, or part of campus they want to impact most.
Support SELF