The Path to Post-Production with Emily Hall
L.A.-based post-production coordinator and American University School of Communication (AU SOC) alumna Emily Hall is the guest on the latest Media in the Mix podcast. Hall earned her BA in Film and Media Arts and is currently a “permalance” post-production coordinator for Season 4 of Nexflix’s “You” and a video editor for Tastemade. Similar to contract work, permalance allows freelance workers to stay attached as full-time employees through the duration of a project.
Hall told host Grace Ibrahim that she was raised in Washington, DC, and had an early introduction to the world of filmmaking through a summer camp and fell in love with it. In high school, she explored photography and discovered it was another creative outlet she really enjoyed. While at SOC, she had ample opportunities to develop her skills and through the AU Photo Collective, she was also able to earn money for her work, paving the way for her freelance photography and film business.
She had longed dreamed of moving to the west coast, and shortly before moving to L.A. for an internship with the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Hall took part in SOC’s L.A. Intensive. The experiential learning opportunity opened Hall’s eyes to how many AU alums were in the L.A. area and solidified her plans to move to L.A.
In response to Ibrahim asking what advice she would give students trying to find internships, Hall said Google searches, following companies’ social accounts, and even joining Facebook groups based on industries and skill specializations are all strategies she used successfully. Hall and Ibrahim agree that the film industry is highly personal, and making one-on-one connections is key. To capitalize on this, Hall said she shares skills and interests on her resume and in her interviews that may seem irrelevant to the position, but can help foster a human connection, like a passion for playing guitar or hiking. And, she said, being an AU alum has helped, too – she was recently hired by a fellow alum!