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Jessica Davis
Director of Federal Affairs, Emory University
What was the most valuable thing you learned from WeLead?
The most important thing I learned from WeLead was the importance of bringing together all of the different parts of a problem to come to a solution. Rarely are decisions made in a silo, but you are required to consider the consequences of any action from a multitude of viewpoints. That helps in my current job of considering input of different stakeholders as you come to a solution that is best for all.
What was your favorite part of the program?
I was just beginning my career when I started WeLead, so the best part of the program was meeting all of the women working across D.C. and in different areas.
What advice would you give to the current WeLead class?
Get to know each other and the speakers as much as possible. You never know where you will end up and who you could be working with next!
How did you secure your current position, and did it include any WeLead networking or alumnae?
While not because of WeLead, I did find my job thanks to a strong female mentor. I met my current boss nearly 10 years ago when she had my job and I was a hill staffer. We got to know each other through the years and she became a great mentor for me both professionally and personally. After having our first child, my husband and I started thinking about wanting to move back closer to my hometown. At the same time, my boss had been promoted and was looking to fill her old job - it was a perfect match! I get to come back to D.C. on a regular basis to meet with people while living closer to family.
Davis represents Emory University before Congress and the administration. She has more than 10 years of experience working with federal policy issues, including six years of service on Capitol Hill for members of the Georgia and Tennessee delegations. She is a specialist on health care and national security issues. She earned a Master of Arts degree in political management from George Washington University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and communications from Mercer University.
Davis last spoke to WeLead at the September 2020 training session.
Browse our training recaps and latest news for the WeLead Campaign Training Program.
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