Jocelyn Garay WeLead Class of 2017

headshot of welead alum jocelyn garay

Jocelyn Garay
Principal, Dewey Square Group

What was the most valuable thing you learned from WeLead?
The most valuable thing I learned in WeLead  was the fundamentals of fundraising. Fundraising can be such a daunting task when thinking about running for office or encouraging others to do so. Learning that fundraising is overwhelming for most people gave me a sense of community, and then learning to start with friends and family and going on from there gave me the knowledge, tools, and resources I needed to feel more confident in my role in the political process. 

What was your favorite part of the program?
I loved meeting other women in the program, and felt a sense of solidarity with those who were working in politics on both sides of the aisle after the 2016 elections. Meeting women who felt the same way I did and who were working to help others gave me a sense of hope that I continue to carry through my career. 

What advice would you give to the current WeLead class?
Hold on to the relationships you make. Find common ground with the other women in your cohort and make sure you stay in touch. Follow them on LinkedIn and social media. Make meaningful connections. 

How did you secure your current position, and did it include any WeLead networking or alumnae?
Networking has been key in all of my roles. Networking, being memorable, and letting my work speak for itself. While I did not get my current role directly from my WeLead network, the people and lessons I learned definitely helped me get this job. When my predecessor was moving on she reached out to me to see if I was interested in joining the team at DSG. I admired the work the firm did and knew I wanted to be a part of it. I joined the firm as a Senior Associate and worked as hard as I could to be promoted to Principal. 

Any other thoughts on your WeLead experience?
WeLead was an amazing experience! It was towards the beginning of my career and at a time where I really needed hope and guidance - WeLead offered just that.

Garay has experience in both chambers of the U.S. Congress, focused on outreach and coalition-building. She is also a Founding Board Member of The WeINSPIRE Movement. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications and PR from Marymount University.