Student Awards
University Student Awards honor graduating students and are presented in May during commencement weekend.
Each year, American University recognizes the exceptional achievements of outstanding faculty, staff, graduating students, and alumni through University Awards. There are four categories of these university-wide awards:
The nomination process for University Awards opens in January.
Outstanding students also have opportunities throughout their AU careers to be recognized for their achievements – including Academic Achievement Awards and school and college honors.
University Student Awards honor graduating students and are presented in May during commencement weekend.
University Faculty Awards, presented at the Faculty Recognition Event in April, honor the work of full-time and adjunct faculty.
University staff awards recognize outstanding staff and are presented during Staff Appreciation Week in May.
Alumni Awards are the highest honors presented by the AU Alumni Association.
View past recipients of the Student, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni Awards. We applaud their continued great work and success on and off campus!