Exhibition Overview

Blood Mirror, organized by artist Jordan Eagles, seeks to create an open dialogue and effect change around the US Food & Drug Administration's current discriminatory policy on blood donations from gay and bisexual men. 

In 2015, Jordan Eagles enlisted a group of nine extraordinary gay men, each with a unique life story, to donate their blood in protest of the FDA’s ban and for the creation of a sculpture, Blood Mirror. Leo Herrera, activist and filmmaker, documented the process in an original, political art film.

The men who donated their blood to this project include: An 88-year-old openly gay priest; A Nigerian gay rights activist on political asylum in the U.S.; A Co-Founder of Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC); The CEO of GMHC; An identical gay twin whose straight brother is eligible to donate; A captain in the Army who served two terms in Iraq and was discharged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (reinstated to service in 2014); A married transgender male couple, and; A bisexual father of two. Dr. Howard Grossman, former director of the American Academy of HIV Medicine, was the medical supervisor on the project, as well as a blood donor. Each man is currently ineligible to donate blood under the FDA’s current policy — but since they cannot donate their blood to save lives, they’ve chosen to donate their blood for art.

The sculpture, Blood Mirror, is a seven-foot-tall monolith in which the viewer can see him or herself reflected in the blood of the nine donors, which has been encased and fully preserved. A totem of science and equality, the sculpture is a time capsule of the donors’ blood that embodies the 32-year history of the FDA’s discriminatory ban.

Blood Mirror

September 12 through October 18, 2015

Colors 10

Jordan Eagles, Blood Mirror, 2015. 
Blood of nine men, preserved in Plexiglas, UV resin, 84 x 28 x 28 in. Courtesy of the Artist.