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Professional Education for Counselors and Educators

Below are the Spring 2021 Online CPRS Skills Institutes. Each institute course is 1 credit.
Tuition per institute: $1631

EDU-627-004 Collective Impact: Using the Power of Partnership to Drive Student Success

5 Saturdays: January 23-February 20, 2021
11:00 AM-1:30 PM
1 credit
Alice Ann Bailey

This skills institute was developed for K-12 and non-profit/community-based organization personnel. The institute explores the collective impact model and how it can be used to create impactful partnerships, particularly school counseling and community-based advisory councils. Participants learn the skills and principles of sustainable partnerships and collective impact; how to use data in the strategic planning process; how to identify potential partners; how to engage partners and how to evaluate and sustain partnerships over time. The institute culminates in an action plan for implementing collective impact.

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EDU-627-005 Events to Drive Postsecondary Enrollment

6 Saturdays: March 6-April 10, 2021
11:00 AM-1:30 PM
1 credit
Alice Ann Bailey

This institute was developed for high school counselors and explores how the collective impact model of school-community partnerships can be used to increase postsecondary enrollment rates. Specifically, four types of events are covered: college fairs, college application week, FAFSA completion events, and college signing day. Participants will use data to create a strategic plan for annual postsecondary programming, learn how to engage partners, study best practices for planning and running these events (including how-to toolkits), and learn how to evaluate these events. The institute culminates in an action plan for implementing and increasing postsecondary/college access rates.

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About Dr. Alice Anne Bailey

An applied social psychologist with more than 20 years of experience in higher education policy, Dr. Alice Anne Bailey conducts research and provides guidance to elected officials, non-profit organizations, and education agencies on effective policies and practices to increase the number of students who enroll in and complete education after high school. She has authored numerous research reports ranging from middle grades to adult education.

A key part of this work involves the use of state and local “collective impact” teams as well as social marketing campaigns that engage students and “nudge” them to take action. Dr. Bailey helps technology companies, school districts, non-profit organizations, and higher education institutions use two-way, interactive texting to increase the number of "first-in the-family" students who apply, enroll, and succeed in postsecondary education.

In 2012, the Office of the President of the United States and the U.S. Department of Education invited Alice Anne to partner with President Obama’s Access to Opportunity Initiative to help advise White House staff, the U.S. Department of Education, and national leaders on financial aid and other policies related to college access and success for underserved students. Likewise, Alice Anne served an instrumental role in working with the Office of Michelle Obama to launch and support Reach Higher, the former First Lady's effort to inspire every student in America to complete their education past high school.

In 2008, Dr. Bailey created and launched the Go Alliance Academy, a college access training program designed to help school counselors, college access advisors, teachers, and administrators better prepare students for higher education and careers.