You are here: American University Centers Center for Postsecondary Readiness and Success TEACH-IN on Antiracism in School Counseling

TEACH-IN on Antiracism in School Counseling

Virtual Conference • June 25 • 10AM—5PM

Antiracist SC Collective

About the TEACH-IN on Antiracism in School Counseling

School counselors are often on the frontlines of combating racism, whether it be in P-12 or higher education settings. Racist and oppressive practices are systematically and structurally embedded within schools' policies, norms, and practices to the detriment of Black/Brown, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). Because of the central role they play in supporting students and establishing support systems focused on academic, social-emotional, and postsecondary development, school counselors are well-positioned to dismantle racist practices in schools and to ensure equitable outcomes and opportunities for all students.

This Teach-In will explore the systemic and structural presence of racism within the field of school counseling with an eye towards increasing participants’ understanding and ability to enact an anti-racist approach in their work. 

Teach-ins were popular during the 1960s and 70s as a way to bring experts together to discuss complex topics on university campuses for the purpose of sparking “action.” Embodying the spirit of previous Teach-ins, this Teach-In will be participatory, interactive, practical, and oriented toward “action.”

The Teach-In will be kicked off with a keynote address by Dr. Bettina Love, Georgia Athletic Association Professor in Education at the University of Georgia. Dr. Love is the best-selling author of the book, "We Want to Do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom." The day will include panels and discussion groups including counseling and education scholars, practitioners, and education justice advocates.

TEACH-IN on Antiracism in School Counseling Resouces

The following resources were provided by Dr. Lynette Henry:

The following resources were provided by Dr. Mandy Savitz-Romer:

Dr. Julia Bryan, Penn State University
Dr. Janice Byrd, Penn State University 
Dr. Norma Day-Vines, Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Danielle R Duarte, Harvard University
Dr. Natalie Edirmanasinghe, Old Dominion University
Mr. Derek Francis, Minneapolis Public Schools 
Dr. Dana Griffin, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Dr. Paul Harris, Penn State University
Dr. Trish Hatch, Hatching Results
Dr. Malik Henfield, Loyola University, Chicago
Dr. Lynette Henry, Fairfax Public Schools
Dr. Erik Hines, Florida State University
Dr. Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy, American University
Dr. Kara Ieva, Rowan University
Dr. Kaprea Johnson, Virginia Commonwealth University 
Dr. Erin Chase McCarty Mason, Georgia State University
Dr. Renae Mayes, University of Arizona
Dr. Laura Owen, San Diego State University
Dr. Mandy Savitz-Romer, Harvard University
Dr. Ahmad R. Washington, University of Louisville
Dr. Joseph Williams, University of Virginia
Allison Worth, Graduate Student, Old Dominion University

About Dr. Alice Anne Bailey, CPRS Faculty

An applied social psychologist with more than 20 years of experience in higher education policy, Dr. Alice Anne Bailey conducts research and provides guidance to elected officials, non-profit organizations, and education agencies on effective policies and practices to increase the number of students who enroll in and complete education after high school. She has authored numerous research reports ranging from middle grades to adult education.

A key part of this work involves the use of state and local “collective impact” teams as well as social marketing campaigns that engage students and “nudge” them to take action. Dr. Bailey helps technology companies, school districts, non-profit organizations, and higher education institutions use two-way, interactive texting to increase the number of "first-in the-family" students who apply, enroll, and succeed in postsecondary education.

In 2012, the Office of the President of the United States and the U.S. Department of Education invited Alice Anne to partner with President Obama’s Access to Opportunity Initiative to help advise White House staff, the U.S. Department of Education, and national leaders on financial aid and other policies related to college access and success for underserved students. Likewise, Alice Anne served an instrumental role in working with the Office of Michelle Obama to launch and support Reach Higher, the former First Lady's effort to inspire every student in America to complete their education past high school.

In 2008, Dr. Bailey created and launched the Go Alliance Academy, a college access training program designed to help school counselors, college access advisors, teachers, and administrators better prepare students for higher education and careers.


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