You are here: American University Finance Student Accounts 1098T Tax Form Information
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Overview of 1098T Tax Form

Per Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations, American University must send the 1098T tax form to all eligible students, every year. The university is prohibited from offering any tax advice. All questions regarding Education Tax Credits must be addressed to a tax professional or the IRS at
Due to a change to institutional reporting requirements under federal law, beginning with tax year 2018, payments will be reported in box 1 up to the amount of qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) during the calendar year. There will be no amounts reported in box 2.
- Only payments made towards QTRE will be reported in box 1 of the 1098T form: this includes payments received from any source (less refunds) during the tax year such as personal payments, loans, scholarships, grants, sponsorships, and veterans affairs payments.
- If the student pre-registered for the 2024 Spring semester during the 2023 Fall semester, the related QTRE were included in 2023 1098T calculations. However, unpaid QTRE charges from a previous year will be included in future tax year's calculations. Example: students had $20,000 in QTRE and $15,000 in payments in 2023. In year 2024 the student made a $5,000 payment towards pervious year charges. $15,000 would have been reported in 2023 1098T Box 1 and the $ 5,000 payment made in 2024 would be reported in the 2024 1098T.
- Box 5 shows the total of all scholarships, grants, sponsorships, and veterans affairs payments administered and processed by the eligible educational institution. The total amount for the calendar year may reduce the amount of the education credit you claim for the year
- For further information, please visit the IRS page at
Information will be reported in boxes 1 through 10 of the 1098T only if they pertained to the student during the 2024 calendar year. Any questions regarding amounts posted in boxes 1 through 10 on the 1098T, or request for copies of billing statements can be addressed by AU Central.
- Email (from student AU assigned email address) -
- Phone - (202) 885-8000.
Tax Form Information
Paper 1098T Tax Form Mailed
On January 31, a paper 1098T form will be mailed out to students who did not consent to receive the form electronically. You may consent to view your tax information electronically at any time.
Online Access To The 1098T Tax Form
Current students who consented to receive the 1098-T form electronically, may access the form at the student portal, per the steps below.
- Login to your student portal at
- Under the "Personalized Links" search bar, select the "Finances" tab. When it opens, select the "Eagle Service-Financial Information" link.
- Click "Tax Information" from the main menu and select the 1098-T form.
The best browser to use to view your 1098-T tax from is " Internet Explorer" or " Google Chrome". If you use "Firefox", then you need to make sure you add the PDF plugin, per the instructions below.
From the "Firefox browser, select the menu icon in the upper right-hand corner. -
Select "Options". -
Select "Applications". -
Scroll down to "Portable Document Format (PDF). -
In the dropdown tab, select "Use Adobe Acrobat Reader DC".
Give Consent To View 1098T Online
Electronic Consent is required to view the 1098-T form electronically. Please follow the steps below to consent and sign up to receive your 1098-T form electronically.
- Login to your student portal at my
- Under the "Personalized Links" search box, select "Finances" and then "Eagle Service-Financial Information"
Select "Tax Information" -
Select from the main menu "Change Preferences" -
Click on the box you consent to receiving your 1098-T -
Click the "Save" button.
If you would like to revoke consent at anytime.
- Select "Change Preferences".
- Select " Withhold my Consent".
- Click "Save".
Former Students
Students no longer attending the university who require an additional copy of their 1098T form will need to send a signed written request for information and a copy of a government issued picture ID to AU Central.
Email - -
Fax - (202) 885-8010 -
Mail - AU Central, Asbury 201, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016
Provide Social Security Number (SSN) Or Tax Payer Identification Number (ITIN)
To comply with IRS regulations, American University is required to collect your correct tax identifying number to file your 1098T form with the IRS.
IRS regulations requires students to provide their correct Social Security Number (SSN), or individual Taxpayer Identification (ITIN), if one is not eligible to obtain a SSN to the institution. If you fail to furnish your correct SSN or ITIN to the institution, then you are subject to a penalty of $50 unless your failure is due to reasonable causes and not to willful neglect. (For example: SSN or ITIN are not required for non-resident aliens)
If you have not provided the university with your social security (SSN) or taxpayer identification number (ITIN), please complete Personal Data Change Request Form . Due to security concerns, the form cannot be submitted by email.