You are here: American University President Announcements May 5, 2016 Memo

AU Memo Letterhead

Memorandum May 5, 2016

AU Community
Neil Kerwin, President
Tuition Scholarships for Contract Partners

In recent months, we have been in active consultation with interested faculty members, students, and staff on the issue of long serving contract workers who dedicate years of service to American University.

Based on collegial and considered work by all, I am announcing the creation of full tuition scholarships to attend American University for the dependents of our primary contract partners. These scholarships represent AU's staunch commitment to ensuring that members of our community have the access and financial resources necessary to make an AU education a reality.

Full tuition scholarships will be awarded to deserving students who demonstrate both academic achievement and significant financial need. We are in the preliminary phase of the scholarship development process and will share more detailed information regarding the terms and conditions of this scholarship as they become available.

Until then, thank you to all for working together to make this significant opportunity possible.