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Recyclemania Kicks Off at Zero Waste Basketball Game

By Hannah Debelius and Ravi Raman

2017 Recylcemania at Zero waste basket ball game

Recyclemania, the annual eight-week collegiate recycling competition, is set to run this year from February 5 through April 1. The competition, designed to engage the entire campus community in recycling and waste diversion, will kick off on February 8 at 7:30 p.m. in Bender Arena at the annual Zero Waste Basketball Game against Boston University.

Recyclemania-related activities before, during, and after the game will include:

  • A "Zero Waste Fair" located near the student section will highlight sustainability-focused student organizations on campus. 
  • A raffle will be held to win a cornhole set. 
  • The first 200 students to arrive at the game will receive coozies made of recycled material. 
  • Two students will be selected to play “trashketball” where they will compete to sort waste and shoot basketballs. 
  • As the Zero Waste Basketball Game is also the Founder’s Day Game, the Student Government President will have a basketball shoot-out with President Kerwin. 
  • Student Sustainability Educators will conduct a waste audit of the trash generated at the game.

Tickets to the game may be purchased at After selecting seats, faculty, staff, alumni, and fans may use the code ZEROWASTE17 at checkout to receive $5 off tickets.

For more information about Recyclemania, click here.

The Zero Waste Basketball Game is a partnership between Athletics, Facilities Management, and Office of Sustainability.