Streaming Video Collection

Note: This searches only AU streaming video collections. To search for both streaming AND physical media, use the Media Services homepage search box.

African Diaspora 1860-Present American History in Video Art and Architecture in Video BBC Shakespeare
California Newsreel Digital Theatre+ Docuseek3 Education in Video
Ethnographic Video Online Faculti Feature Films for Education Film Platform
Filmakers Library Films on Demand HistoryMakers Journal of Visualized Experiments
JoVE Science Education Videos Kanopy Streaming Service Linkedin Learning Tutorials The March of Time
Media Education Foundation Met Opera on Demand Milestone Films
National Filmboard of Canada On the Boards TV Opera in Video Platino Educa
PsycTherapy SAGE Research Methods Shoah Foundation Television News Archive
Theate and Drama Premium TV News Search-Borrow Women Make Movies World Cinema
World Newsreels Online      
Note: Additional Women Make Movies titles are available through Kanopy.


How Streaming Video Appears in the Library Catalog

Several thousand videos in the library catalog are available as online streaming files for instant access. Some of these are restricted to AU ID holders and some are open access. For a complete list of streaming content, search using the keyword="streaming video"

You can tell that the title below is a streaming video by the combination of - the film reel icon, the "Available Online", and the link "Click here to access the streaming video".

Display of streaming video record in library catalog