
The Institute for Carbon Responsible Removal's webinar series, Scrubbing the Skies: The Role of Carbon Dioxide Removal in Combating Climate Change focuses on scientific, technological, legal, political, and justice-focused issues associated with carbon dioxide removal. This series is hosted by Co-Director Wil Burns.

Latest Webinar

Designing a New CDR Tax Credit: Issues, Options, and Politic

1 hour



The emerging CDR sector requires substantial and predictable sources of public funding to scale to levels at which it can make a meaningful contribution to combatting climate change. Yet, in the United States, the existing 45Q tax credit is both too modest and too limited in scope to do the job. Modifying the 45Q credit or developing a new tech-neutral tax credit will require extensive advocacy in the U.S. Congress and careful attention to design.

In this webinar, held March 5, 2024, panelists from the think-tank, Third Way, and Van Ness Feldman, LLP, a law firm with extensive climate and energy expertise, discussed strategies for expanding public knowledge of, and appreciation for, the complex area of carbon dioxide removal. The panelists also shared insights from their new white paper on options for designing a tech-neutral CDR tax credit.


Nicholas Yoon, Policy Advisor for Carbon Management, Third Way

Kyle Danish, Partner, Van Ness Feldman, LLP


Wil Burns, Co-Director, Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal, American University

Past Webinars

Our webinar series has explored a number of topics and themes over the years. Browse through our past recordings as grouped by thematic area.

Developing a Market for CDR Offsets That is Fit-for-all

e Removal Developments at COP28” >Watch the webinar
1 hour

Three IPCC reports since 2019 have concluded that Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) methods are needed to accompany CO2 emissions reductions if we are to limit planetary warming to 2°C or less. Concerted efforts are underway to understand the science and develop the technologies that can deliver CDR that is scalable to the billions of tons needed to abate global warming. However, the investment needed to drive such scientific and technological advances, to be deployed at a massive scale, is correspondingly large. One way to secure such financing is through the sale of carbon offsets. At present the market for carbon offsets is dominated by so-called ‘avoidance’ offsets, by which further CO2 pollution is avoided by not harvesting forest stands, for example. Avoidance offsets, therefore, cannot deliver the CO2 removal needed to go hand-in-hand with emissions reductions. Also, the market dominance by avoidance offsets results in a price for carbon that is much too low relative to the costs associated with removing CO2 using a range of different technologies. This mismatch will hinder investment in CDR.

To rectify this issue, in this webinar held on January 30, 2024, our panelist Philip Boyd from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, made the case that offset markets must be fundamentally redesigned. This requires a focus on removal offsets, and specifically a market that is both simple in terms of facilitating transactions, but also flexible enough to accommodate a wide range of technologies that vary widely in the duration, safety, and verifiability of CDR. This webinar also advocated for a change of metrics from ‘carbon ton’ to ‘carbon ton year’ to provide both the requisite simplicity that markets need, and the flexibility to incorporate the diversity of CDR characteristics. Phil outlined how the ‘carbon ton year’ must be accompanied by a warranty to ‘bake in’ guarantees around verifiability and safety. Finally, he will emphasize how these market reforms – which will incentivize durable, safe, and verifiable CDR - must take place in parallel with efforts to develop suitable CDR technologies, based on sound underpinning scientific principles that can eventually deliver billion-ton CDR.

Panelist: Philip Boyd, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia

Moderator: Wil Burns, Co-Director, Institute for Carbon Removal Law and Policy

Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

Emerging Themes in Law & Governance

Videos in this playlist

To play a specific video, use the playlist icon in the player or view each video on YouTube.

  1. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    COP27 and CDR Webinar

  2. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Charting a Just Path to DAC Hubs Webinar

  3. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    IPCC's Latest Report & the Implications for Carbon Removal

  4. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    COP26 Outcomes: Review and Analysis

  5. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    A New Policy Framework for Incentivizing Negative Emissions

  6. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    The Prospects for Carbon Dioxide Removal in California

  7. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    CRISPR Crops: How Scientists are Using Genome Editing to Sequester Carbon

  8. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    The Global South in the Imagining of Climate Futures

  9. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Emerging CDR Opportunities in U.S. Legislation

  10. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Equity and Justice in Carbon Removal

  11. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Carbon Removal and Corporate Climate Commitments Webinar

  12. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Governance of Marine Geoengineering: Webinar Explainer Series

  13. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    NAS "Negative Emissions Technologies and Reliable Sequestration: A Research Agenda" Report

  14. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Potential Role of Carbon Removal in the IPCC's 1.5 Degree Special Report

  15. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Transitioning to a Sustainable Carbon Economy

  16. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Certifying soil carbon removals

  17. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Enhanced Rock Weathering in the Global South

  18. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    The Prospects for CDR in West Virginia

  19. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Nori’s Carbon Removal Blended Tonne Whitepaper

  20. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Taming the Wild West of Climate: Bringing Standards and Quality to the VCM

  21. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Potential Role of BBNJ Treaty in Ocean-Based CDR

  22. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    The Role of Insurance Mechanisms in the Carbon Dioxide Removal Sector

  23. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Carbon Dioxide Removal Developments at COP28

  24. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Designing a New CDR Tax Credit: Issues, Options, and Politics

Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

Latest Papers & Reports

Videos in this playlist

To play a specific video, use the playlist icon in the player or view each video on YouTube.

  1. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    NOAA's CDR Task Force Panel Webinar

  2. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Betting on Forests and Soils to Reach Net Zero Webinar

  3. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Modeling Carbon Removal in Climate Policy: An ICRLP Integrated Assessment Modeling Project

  4. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    The Potential Role of Ocean-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal: The NAS Weighs In

  5. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    IPCC's Latest Report & the Implications for Carbon Removal

  6. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Carbon in Forests: Stocks and Fluxes

  7. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    COP27 and CDR Webinar

  8. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    COP26 Outcomes: Review and Analysis

  9. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Carbon Dioxide Removal via BECCS in a Carbon-Neutral Europe

  10. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    The Prospects for Carbon Dioxide Removal in California

  11. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Net Zero Targets: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

  12. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    The Law of Enhanced Weathering in Carbon Dioxide Removal

  13. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Mitigation Deterrence

  14. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Governance of Marine Geoengineering: Webinar Explainer Series

  15. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    NAS "Negative Emissions Technologies and Reliable Sequestration: A Research Agenda" Report

  16. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Potential Role of Carbon Removal in the IPCC's 1.5 Degree Special Report

  17. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Nori’s Carbon Removal Blended Tonne Whitepaper

  18. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Direct Air Capture in the Global South: Octavia Carbon

  19. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Upscaling Biochar as a Soil Amendment and Waste Management Technology: Lessons from Ag History

  20. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Potential Role of BBNJ Treaty in Ocean-Based CDR

  21. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Quantifying Biochar Carbon Removal's Global and Country-Level Impact

  22. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    The Role of Insurance Mechanisms in the Carbon Dioxide Removal Sector

  23. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Report Launch Event "Agenda for a Progressive Political Economy of CDR"

  24. Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal

    Designing a New CDR Tax Credit: Issues, Options, and Politics