You are here: American University Career Center Student Career Development Fund

About the Fund

American University is committed to helping students develop the passion, ambition, and courage they need to confront the world's most complex challenges--and professional development is a crucial part of our efforts. Whether it's securing an internship, attending a conference, or feeling great in professional attire for an interview, these beyond-the-classroom resources have long been an integral part of an AU education.

Unfortunately, these professional opportunities are a luxury and may be inaccessible to many students due to financial barriers. Philanthropic support through the Student Career Development Fund provides opportunities for students with demonstrated financial need, and especially historically underrepresented students (e.g. BIPOC, first-generation), to access professional development and grow the skills that lead to professional success. When you support the Student Career Development Fund at AU, you not only help prepare students for the workforce; you help them become tomorrow’s changemakers.

Do you want to make a difference? Donate now!

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Student Testimonials

Journalism Major, May 2020 Grad, Voice of America

"This fund has really paved lanes in my career that I didn’t think were possible. After being a part of this internship and being surrounded by successful journalists from across the world, I was inspired to create an event from the ground up titled “Latin-x in Comm,” a panel and networking opportunity with some of the most respected reporters in the industry. I’ve partnered with SOC to make this possible. This program has fostered a spark in me to share with others the importance of networking and making it happen for yourself."

Literature Major, May 2017 Grad, AACTE

"I think it eases the anxiety students tend to feel over maintaining their grades, an internship that may be unpaid, while also joggling a job that may be necessary for expenses like that of food or even materials for class. Handling all these things is difficult and so students who are recipients of this award could be relieved from working because the amount is enough to get by for the semester and so then the focus falls back on excelling in the classroom and gaining professional experience at an organization of one's own interest."

International Studies/Law & Society Major, August 2019 Grad, U.S. House of Representatives 

"The [fund] has lifted an immense financial stress off of my shoulders and allowed me to dedicate my full attention to learning from and contributing to a prominent Congressional office."