You are here: American University Provost Undergraduate Education Chart Your Academic Future at AU

Chart Your Academic Future at AU!

Event Information

Join us for an evening of engaging conversation, delicious food, and important relationship building with AU's extensive network of faculty, administrators, and campus partners.

Professors from every academic department will be on hand to discuss numerous academic opportunities to strengthen your AU degree. In addition, faculty administrators such as deans, associate deans, and department chairs will be available to have "big picture" conversations with students about life and academics.

We have designed the event exclusively for students in their "second-year" at AU. We think you are at a critical juncture of your undergraduate experience, and we can't wait to help you "Chart Your Future" for success at AU and beyond.


Thursday, September 28, 2017
Mary Graydon Center Rooms 2-5

Please RSVP Here.