Fall 2024 WPPL Courses

The following courses are approved for the Women, Policy and Political Leadership (WPPL) Undergraduate and Graduate Certificate Programs.

Core 3-Credit Courses

GOVT 482/682.001 Women & Politics
Lucy Gettman
Wednesdays, 5:30 PM-8:00 PM | Online

Women and Politics (3) examines the evolutionary role of women in politics-as voters, citizens, candidates, and leaders-from the Seneca Falls Convention to the present. The role of women's organizations and movements in the expansion of political and legal rights are also explored. Crosslist: GOVT-682. Prerequisite: GOVT-110. Restriction: minimum 2.5 GPA.

GOVT 484/684.001 Women & Political Leadership
Susannah Wellford
Wednesdays, 2:30 PM-5:20 PM | In-Person

Women and Political Leadership (3) This course explores the historical evolution of women as leaders, the factors that have limited the number of women in leadership positions, and the differences in men’s and women’s leadership styles. Meets with GOVT-684. Prerequisite: GOVT-110

GOVT 486/686.001 Feminist Political Theory
Wednesdays, 11:20 AM - 2:10 PM

Feminist Political Theory (3) This course traces the major debates in feminist political theory and their roots in liberalism, communitarianism, Marxism, post-modernism, and other schools of thought and examines the ways in which feminist political theory can inform current policy debates concerning women. Crosslist: GOVT-686. Usually Offered: fall. Note: One course in political theory, philosophy, or women's and gender studies required.

Core 1-Credit Courses

GOVT 485/685.001 U.S. First Ladies: Making History and Leaving Legacies
Diana Carlin
SECT DATES: 9/14/2024 - 10/26/2024
Saturday and Saturday (1-2) 9:00 AM-5:00PM | Online

America's first ladies are more than fashion, social gatherings, and supporting their husbands. Since Martha Washington defined the role as it fit her background and the times, every first lady has adapted the role in a similar way. However, there are some traditions and approaches that go back to the Washington era. This course examines the ways that the historical context, culture and women's roles, and the first lady's personal story--including her marital relationship--all affect how she carries out the role and influences both the presidency and American history.

GOVT 485/685.002 Women, Citizenship, and the ERA
Rebecca DeWolf
SECT Dates: 11/09/2024 and 11/10/2024
Saturday and Sunday (1-2) 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM | Online

This course explores the Equal Rights Amendment’s (ERA) past and present. Bringing together information from areas of history, law, gender studies, and political science, it invites students to consider what is next for the ERA and gives students the opportunity to look back on the ERA’s legacy. Crosslist: GOVT-685-001.

GOVT 485/685 Women and the 2024 Elections
Karen O’Connor
SECT Dates: 11/16/2024-11/17/2024
Saturday and Sunday (1-2) 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM | Online

This course will review the results of the 2024 elections from local offices to the presidency. The role of issues such as abortion will also be examined.

Additional 3-Credit Courses

ANTH-215.001/.002 Sex, Gender & Culture
ECON-374.001 Gender Roles and the Economy
ECON-675.001 Gender Perspectives on Economic Analysis: Macroeconomics
HLTH-323.001/002 Issues in Women’s Health
SISU-260.001/002/003 Identity, Race, Gender & Culture
WGSS-225.001/002/003/004 Gender, Politics & Power
WGSS-340.001 Approaches to Queer Studies
WGSS-350.001 Interpreting Gender in Culture: Mental Health & Neuroqueerness
WGSS-350.002 Interpreting Gender in Culture: Gay and Lesbian Documentary
WGSS-350.003 Interpreting Gender in Culture: Black Masculinities
WGSS-350.007 Interpreting Gender in Culture: Spain: Long Walk to Equality
WGSS-350.006 Interpreting Gender in Culture: Geography of Gender/Dev in Africa
WGSS-400.001/400.002/600.001/600.002 Feminist, Gender, Sexuality Thry
WGSS-491/691.001 Internship
WGSS-496.002/696.002 Select Topics: Trans Theory & Pol/Americas
WGSS-496.003/696.003 Select Topics: Feminist Philosophy
WGSS-496.004/696.004 Select Topics: Feminism, Gender and Sexuality

Additional 1-Credit Courses

GOVT 521.001 Survey Research
GOVT 524.001 Comm/Wrtg Methods for Advocacy

 Additional 4-Credit Courses

GOVT 520.001 Campaign Management Institute

Spring 2024 WPPL Courses

The following courses are approved for the Women, Policy and Political Leadership (WPPL) Undergraduate and Graduate Certificate Programs.

Core 3-Credit Courses

GOVT 482/682.001
Women & Politics

Lucy Gettman
Wednesdays, 5:30 PM-8:00 PM | Online

Women and Politics (3) examines the evolutionary role of women in politics-as voters, citizens, candidates, and leaders-from the Seneca Falls Convention to the present. The role of women's organizations and movements in the expansion of political and legal rights are also explored. Crosslist: GOVT-682. Prerequisite: GOVT-110. Restriction: minimum 2.5 GPA.

GOVT 483/683.001
Women, Politics, and Public Policy

Shilpa Phadke
Wednesdays, 2:30 PM -5:20 PM | In-Person

Women, Politics, and Public Policy (3) analyzes issues that affect gender equity, such as reproductive rights, educational equity, employment discrimination, and work family policies. AU Core Integrative Requirement: Capstone. Crosslist: GOVT-683. Prerequisite: GOVT-110. Restriction: minimum 2.5 GPA.

GOVT 485/685.001
Supreme Court and Women's Rights

Susan Green
Mondays & Thursdays | 8:10 AM - 9:25 AM | In-Person

The Supreme Court and Women's Rights (3) examines the development of American law affecting women from the seventeenth century to the present. It focuses on Supreme Court cases addressing women's citizenship, voting rights, jury service, age of majority, military service, education, employment, sexual harassment, marriage, pregnancy and childbirth, and reproductive rights.

Core 1-Credit Courses

GOVT 282.001
Introduction to Women & Politics

Kate Black
SECT Dates: 02/24/2024 - 02/25/2024
Saturday and Sunday (1-2) 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM | Online

This course is an intensive introduction to women and politics. Students in the course gain an understanding of the historical struggle of women for political, economic, and educational rights, as well as the major actors who were or continue to be involved in these efforts.

GOVT 485/685.005
Gender Identity Politics: Moving Toward a Reflective Democracy

China Dickerson
SECT Dates: 02/17/2024 - 02/18/2024
Saturday and Sunday, 9:00AM–5:00PM | Online

This discussion will be introduced by first understanding the history of elections in this country and how those elected were specific to the times that we “needed” them. Reflecting on our history, we will specifically highlight the lack of women representation at the top of the ballot, exploring the why and nuances of how voters choose their political leaders using, intentionally or subconsciously, identity politics. Because a discussion on identity is incomplete without addressing intersectionality, this course will include conversations about race, culture, and economic class. Not just focusing on the top of the ballot, we will also consider congressional members, mayors, and even state’s attorneys.

GOVT 485/685.004
Women As Lawyers and Judges

Fernanda Nicola
SECT Dates: 02/24/24 - 02/25/2024
Saturday and Sunday, 9:00AM–5:00PM | In-Person

This course examines the history of women in the legal profession, progress made, and the various kinds of places women lawyers work, especially those working on behalf of women, children, and members of the LGBTQ+ communities. The course also covers women judges at the local, state, and national levels and the impact of these women on the rights of women, children, and members of the LGBTQ+ communities and whether women judges are more responsive to claims and actions dealing with women. 

GOVT 485/685.003
Politics of Reproductive Rights
Karen O’Connor
SECT Dates: 03/30/24 - 03/31/2024
Saturday and Sunday, 9:00AM–5:00PM | In-Person

This course examines the history of reproductive rights including contraceptives and abortion. With six of the nine Supreme Court Justices indicating their willingness to accept limits on both, the course evaluates where these rights are today. Experts on both sides of these issues speak to the class.

SPA 075/375
Reproductive Rights
Jessica Waters
SECT Dates: 03/02/2024 - 03/03/2024
Saturday and Sunday (1-2), 10:00AM - 4:15PM | Online

Additional 3-Credit Courses

ANTH-215.001/002 Sex, Gender & Culture
ECON-374.001 Gender Roles and the Economy
ECON-675 Gender Economics II
GOVT-496/696.004/COMM-420/620 Presidential Primaries*
If you are a WPPL Certificate student, with permission, the course can count as an eligible elective upon permission of the instructor.
HLTH-323.001/002 Issues in Women's Health
JLC-426/626.001 Domestic Violence
JLC-435/635.001 Gender and the Law
JLC-436-001 Reproduction and the Law
PHIL-416/616.001 Feminist Philosophy
SISU-260.002/003 Identity, Race, Gender & Culture
SISU-310.001 Gender and Peace Building
SIS-619.012 Gender, Peace, and Security
SIS-676-005 Gender-Based Violence
WGSS-225.001/002/003 Gender, Politics & Power
WGSS-350-001/002/003/004/005/006/007 Interpreting Gender in Culture
WGSS-382-001 Queer Literatures & Histories
WGSS-385-001/02 Mental Health & Neuroqueerness
WGSS-400/600.001 Feminist, Gender, Sexuality Theory
WGSS-491/691.001 Internship

Additional 1-Credit Courses

SPA 075/375 Ending Gender-Based Violence
SPA 075/375 Reproductive Rights
GOVT-521-002 Presidential Campaign Advance

Women and Politics Institute. Certificate in Women, Policy, and Political Leadership

Download this fact sheet to read about the WPPL certificate programs.

Fact Sheet