Government & Politics
Key Director Bob Tobias in the News
Tobias Article on Leading Differently Featured in Public Manager
The June 2011 edition of the Public Manager features the article "Leading Differently: Can Reorganization Change Anything?" by Bob Tobias. The article focuses on the elements needed for successful agency reorganizations. Read the full article here.
Key Director Quoted in NPR Story on Government Reorganization
On March 24, 2011 Bob Tobias was quoted in the NPR story "Obama Agency Review Looks to Snip the Red Tape," on President Obama's order for a review of government agencies with the intent of streamlining their functions.
On this topic Tobias was quoted as saying, "Lawmakers have historically been unwilling to give up any of their turf, and that has translated into many, many overseers of the Department of Homeland Security. [Why] do they have 88 committees that DHS reports to? How can any one department effectively report to 88 congressional committees — often when they're giving conflicting direction and advice?"
You can listen to the full story on NPR's website here.
Key Director Interviewed on How to Manage Under Threat of Government Shutdown
Budget tightening and talks of a shutdown are creating a federal workplace environment where it's easy for leaders to "hunker down" and stay in survival mode. But federal managers must use these challenging times to re-evaluate how their employees meet the agency mission, says Robert Tobias, Director of the Key Executive Leadership Programs and the Institute for the Study of Public Policy Implementation in the School of Public Affairs, in an interview with Francis Rose on "In Depth" on Federal New Radio on February 22.
A summary and podcast of the interview can be found here.
Financial management systems in need of upgrade
On Monday, October 11, 2010, Bob Tobias spoke with Francis Rose about the challenges managers in the federal government face regarding financial management.
You can listen to Bob's full conversation on the Federal News website here.
Key MPA in Brussels
Key Programs Director Bob Tobias spoke with Federal News Radio "In Depth" host Francis Rose on August 4 about the Key MPA's recent trip to Brussels, Belgium. Tobias accompanied 15 students from two different Key MPA cohorts for a week-long course this July that compared US and EU politics, policies and public administration practices.
"We met with members of the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the European Council. We spent a day at NATO headquarters, because how NATO interacts with the EU is fascinating," Bob said. "To a student, every single student said they learned more about their government by being forced to compare others."
You can listen to Bob's full conversation on the Federal News website here.