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Process to Obtain Documentation for the COVID-19 Vaccine Based on your occupation or job function


American University Office of Human Resources letterhead

Dear Colleagues,

As vaccinations for COVID-19 are underway, some essential occupations and job functions have been identified as priority categories for vaccination by the District, Maryland, and Virginia. These categories can vary across the different jurisdictions.

Some of these jurisdictions are requiring verification for employees in those occupations. The university has developed the following approach for staff and faculty in eligible positions to obtain verification for the vaccine when it is available to them.

Category 1 Job Functions (Certain AU Departments to provide verification for this category)

  • Health care personnel
  • Fire and Emergency Medical Personnel
  • Law Enforcement and Public Safety
  • Staff working in childcare facilities
  • Individuals working in commercial and residential property maintenance and environmental services
  • Individuals working in non-public transit transportation services
  • Essential employees working in media and mass communication
  • Essential employees working in information technology
  • Construction employees

Verification Process for Category 1

Documentation for essential (AU termed “Presence Required”) employees working in jobs in this category will be provided by the respective department head, without the need for the employees to request documentation on their own.

Category 1 Covered Departments

The following AU departments will provide the verification directly to staff and faculty in their units: Campus Life; Athletics; AU Police; Child Development Center; Auxiliary Services; Facilities Management; Transportation Services; WAMU; University Communications and Marketing; Office of Information Technology; Facilities Planning and Project Management. Employees in these units should contact their department head to obtain the verification.

Category 2 Job Functions (AU HR to provide verification for this category)

Employees who work in the job functions noted above but are employed by departments others than those listed in Category 1, or those working in the following jobs may contact to obtain verification that they can use to obtain the vaccine:

  • Employees working in courts and individuals providing legal services
  • Workers in health, human services, and social services outreach programs
  • Food service personnel
  • Essential employees in non-governmental health, human, and social services organizations
  • Logistics, delivery, and courier services workers
  • All essential employees of institutions of higher education (e.g. all AU employees with a physical presence required). It is our understanding that while VA and MD have listed faculty and support staff in priority vaccine categories, the vaccine is generally limited to those who both reside and work in institutions in those states.
  • Essential employees in federal government agencies
  • Commercial residential property management

Verification Process for Category 2

Documentation may be requested by the individual faculty and staff by sending an email to Requests should include your name, title, department, occupational/job function category, and vaccine appointment date.

Please note that the university will only issue documentation to the essential (Presence Required) employees whose positions fall into these categories. Our understanding is that jurisdictions vary in the timing of when they will distribute vaccines to these categories, and it is dependent upon supply availability. Please wait to request your verification until you hear that you will be given a vaccine appointment.

As President Burwell stated in her January 14, 2021 e-mail, AU will not be administering vaccines, and we ask you to follow the guidance from your local jurisdiction about obtaining the vaccine when you become eligible. Individuals should pre-register with their local jurisdiction and also use the vaccine search function on their state website, for the latest information and to be notified when vaccines for their category may be available.

Thank you for your patience and persistence as we navigate through this process. We know many of you are eagerly anticipating being able to obtain the vaccine, and we look forward to a time when it is safe to be in community once again.

My best,

Beth Muha
Assistant Vice President of Human Resources