American University Ready Hire
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American Proud to be Tobacco and Smoke Free University

American University considers immigration sponsorship an important part of its efforts to recruit, hire, and retain a skilled work force with critical skills and knowledge. The U.S. Department of Labor requires employers seeking to employ an H1B worker to notify all employees at the same worksite that the University has filed a Labor Condition Application (LCA).
You will find notices of LCA filing with the Employment and Training Administration, in accordance with 20 C.F.R. §655.734 on the myAU portal. Copies of the full LCAs will be available for public inspection at 3201 New Mexico Ave, N.W., Suite 270, Washington D.C. 20016. Complaints alleging misrepresentation of material facts on the LCA and/or failure to comply with the terms of the LCA may be filed with an office of the Wage and Hour Division of the United States Department of Labor.